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    South East UK (A pauper in an affluent area!)

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  1. Clear and understandable video, a useful reference tool for me. Thanks.
  2. Because my search took me straight to here and I missed the Start of GarryP post
  3. OK your reply has solved my problem! for some reason I was not displaying the adjustment panel and looking from the adustment layer button / or the layer > new adjustment layer menu from the top menu bar. What a numpty! thanks for the nudge to the right place
  4. AF Photo. I've been spending a frustrating couple of days basically trying to create and save adjustment layers as a preset. After searching the forum for answers to no avail I uninstalled and downloaded latest version Photo 2.3 but no difference. Can I take it from this that it is a recognised bug that will get fixed very soon and there is no point me keep trying to save an adjusment as a preset?
  5. This needs to be made a sticky or whatever, bookmark, an excellent guide to understanding colour as well as blend modes. Thank you for doing these tutorials.
  6. I found this helpfull, well worth a watch to explain the different uses
  7. thanks been there earlier....just realised this is not the place to ask for requests so I will delete and post in the general section
  8. I know I watched this a couple of years ago but search as I may here and you tube I can no longer find it. James Ritson did a video explaining the best way to print photos and using the softproof adjusment correctly. Any pointers from anyone please?
  9. I've done an extensive search here and you tube for some tips on creating a rubiks cube with a face photo. There are several using photoshop which I have tried to replicate but get hopelessy lost along the way. There are also on line Apps and effects generators that do a great job but I would like to be able to do my own. Has anyone got a link to how to do this using Aphoto? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWf2PE8pnWE
  10. Phew! quite a lot of steps to follow but the end result is impressive for all that. Appreciate the time and effort envolved to share this.
  11. Basics it may be but still a useful reference for many users.Good work appreciated.
  12. Thanks that would appear to be a solution. But $15....I'll suffer my irritation for a while longer.
  13. Yes the topic shows and that's the part I'd like hidden. Just an irritant for me pertaining to a certain regular poster. Maybe it's not such a big deal and I should not make a thing of it.
  14. Is there a way of not showing the heading for a topic from certain forum members? I have marked to ignore content from a member but when I look in my unread topics in a sub section and he/she has posted a new post it is there in bold. OK, opening it doesn't show any content but I would like to not see anything at all not even the topic header.
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