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  1. Where is this Show Selection in layers Panel option in Affinity 2 preferences? I looked everywhere for it and I can't find it.
  2. I never had this problem with Affinity 1.0 apps, but ever since the 2.1 update I get this all the time. Yes my files are in an external USB drive, but they have been in this drive for months now and it was never a problem before. This is on windows 11 in my case though seeing all these posts looks like its a core Affinity problem.
  3. Yah I was also really hoping the fillable pdf forms feature would have made it into v2.
  4. So 2 years latter on Photo in Windows this still isn't fixed!
  5. Was just trying to do this myself, found the docs, and then the option wasn't in the app. Come on Affinity this has to be a simple bug and almost 4 months later it's still broken.
  6. Forget about Potential purchasers there are already a ton of us clients who are complaining about the asinine alpha & channels workflow. I (like so many others) find this to be the one thing that forces me to have to use other software. And the fact that 3 or 4 years later it still isn't addressed is quite honestly disheartening. I was complaining about this back in 2016 and 2017: Heck in this post 3 years ago a mod said "This has been logged with our developers. Hopefully we'll add better support in the future :)" well here we are in the future and nothing has changed.
  7. Well, one thing in the SVG export that did help was the "flatten transforms" option, that fixed the transforms on paths and such. I then can use SVGO's Missing GUI to clean things up more. Unfortunately, the gradient transforms stay after that, so I then often rewrite the gradient code and clean up a bunch of other things by hand. It's not an easy or fun process, for sure and affinity is always exporting a ton of extra junk. It's really too bad that I can't just use copy and paste and get nice clean code like when I tried the sketch free trial. I need to use the tools I have though, and sketch is not cross-platform which Designer is.
  8. I have started to author SVG elements for web design using affinity designer, but the svg code it outputs is quite heavy and messy (using copy as svg option in preferences). In this case I think its because I have an object that is rotated 180 degrees, so its running transformations on my paths and groups in the SVG code. Is there any way to "bake" the transforms in designer. So say I move, rotate, and scale an object, then I would like to bake its transforms so that the shape is rewritten (svg code wise) as not rotated or scaled, in essence applying my modifications to the objects underlying definition. This is a very common practice in 3D modeling. <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 1152 150" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xml:space="preserve" xmlns:serif="http://www.serif.com/" style="fill-rule:evenodd;clip-rule:evenodd;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:1.41421;"> <g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-4757,-100)"> <g id="Header-Shape" serif:id="Header Shape" transform="matrix(-0.848306,-1.03888e-16,1.26688e-16,-1.03448,5909,5615.86)"> <path d="M1358,5187C1131.5,5217.42 905.5,5235.33 679,5235.33C452.833,5235.33 226.167,5217.47 0,5187.13L0,5332L1358,5332L1358,5187Z" style="fill:url(#_Linear1);"/> </g> <g id="Header-border" serif:id="Header border" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-843,-237)"> <path d="M6752,486.861C6560.14,455.482 6367.86,437 6176,437C5983.86,437 5792.14,455.529 5600,487L5600,486C5792.14,454.529 5983.86,436 6176,436C6367.86,436 6560.14,454.482 6752,485.861L6752,486.861Z" style="fill:rgb(46,46,46);"/> </g> <g id="Header-border1" serif:id="Header border" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-843,-238)"> <path d="M6752,486.861C6560.14,455.482 6367.86,437 6176,437C5983.86,437 5792.14,455.529 5600,487L5600,486C5792.14,454.529 5983.86,436 6176,436C6367.86,436 6560.14,454.482 6752,485.861L6752,486.861Z" style="fill:rgb(56,56,56);"/> </g> </g> <defs> <linearGradient id="_Linear1" x1="0" y1="0" x2="1" y2="0" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" gradientTransform="matrix(-3.24818e-14,-145,176.823,-2.66361e-14,1358,5332)"><stop offset="0" style="stop-color:rgb(64,64,64);stop-opacity:1"/><stop offset="1" style="stop-color:rgb(51,51,51);stop-opacity:1"/></linearGradient> </defs> </svg> This is what I get right now as output, but I would like to not have any of the "Transform=" and "gradientTransform=" attributes, more like the follwoing striped down code, which dousn't work because of how Affinity outputting the code: <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 1152 150" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <g> <path style="fill:url(#a);" d="M1358,5187C1131.5,5217.42 905.5,5235.33 679,5235.33C452.833,5235.33 226.167,5217.47 0,5187.13L0,5332L1358,5332L1358,5187Z"/> <path style="fill:rgb(46,46,46);" d="M6752,486.861C6560.14,455.482 6367.86,437 6176,437C5983.86,437 5792.14,455.529 5600,487L5600,486C5792.14,454.529 5983.86,436 6176,436C6367.86,436 6560.14,454.482 6752,485.861L6752,486.861Z"/> <path style="fill:rgb(56,56,56);" d="M6752,486.861C6560.14,455.482 6367.86,437 6176,437C5983.86,437 5792.14,455.529 5600,487L5600,486C5792.14,454.529 5983.86,436 6176,436C6367.86,436 6560.14,454.482 6752,485.861L6752,486.861Z"/> </g> <defs> <linearGradient id="a" x1="0" y1="0" x2="1" y2="0" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <stop offset="0" style="stop-color:rgb(64,64,64);stop-opacity:1"/> <stop offset="1" style="stop-color:rgb(51,51,51);stop-opacity:1"/> </linearGradient> </defs> </svg>
  9. So my biggest gripe with Affinity Photo has to be the channels workflow. I use my image editor for texture work for 3D and I have to be able to edit color and alpha channels. I was able to do everything I needed with photoshop but I'm not willing to support subscription models, so I would love to be able to just use affinity and not need anything else. Thanks to this post https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/topic/4730-split-channels/I was finally able to figure out how to create a layer from a channel. (In photoshop this is done by showing only one channel in the channels panel, selecting everything and hitting copy, then pasting into a new layer) Now I need to know how to paste from a layer into a channel. So that I can combine 3 separate images (or layers) into a single image/layer where each of the previous ones is one of the color channels? (In photoshop I would just click on my layer, select all pixels, copy, chose a layer to paste into, show only the color channel I want to edit and paste) Likewise how can I paste a layer into the alpha channel? (In photoshop I could chose a layer, select all, copy, chose a layer, go into the channels panel select the alpha channel and paste)
  10. I'm continuing to struggle with Affinity Photo's channels and alphas. I need to be able to assign an alpha to my image while retaining the underlying color data of the transparent area. With photo it appears that the only way to get an alpha channel is to leave portions of my image transparent which results in loss of color data in the Red, Green and Blue channels. So all transparent pixels end up being black, this causes ugly halo effects on textures loaded in 3D applications. The Composite Alpha is just created from each layers alpha. I need to be able to apply a master alpha to the image. Is this at all posible?
  11. I have the simple task of taking an image, and its alpha (a separate image) and combining them to use in a document. I can not for the life of me figure out how to paste into a mask layer, or how to convert a pasted layer into a mask for another layer. In photoshop this is posible by adding a raster mask to a layer, and then selecting the mask channel and pasting into it. I have tried the "mask to below" option but it no actual masking happens. It places my alpha as a child of the layer I want masked, but its preview is empty and no masking happens. If I then select "edit mask" it shows me the alpha just like it should. I have attached a screen shot as an example, you can see that none of the cyan layer is showing. Top half is normal, bottom half is "edit mask". I really want Photo to replace photoshop for me. Unfortunately all these channels and alpha things I need for creating textures for 3D are missing or work in weird ways. Also all tutorials online have to do with image manipulation so finding out how to do things is almost imposible. I'm hoping that here on the forms you all can help me out, thanks for your time. - Jeff
  12. So there is seriously no way to rotate the canvas if you don't have a trackpad? I have a desktop with no trackpad and I use a wacom tablet and a Logitech G13 as my input devices when working. I really need a keyboard shortcut that allows me to rotate the canvas like Photoshop or Krita. Any idea when this can get added?
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