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  1. well, that's too bad. I am kind of attached to Lumiflow and PSP Thank you.
  2. Is Affinity Photo able to add additional panels? I mean some 3rd party software such as TK Actions and ADP lumiflow (both luminosity masks) can only be added as panels (in PS) by copy and pasting the programs in a specific folder and cannot be installed in the same way as one would install a regular plug in. Can AP do that? What about 3rd party software that is under the "Automate" menu in Photoshop such as some Topaz apps and Canon's Print Studio Pro? (Print Studio Pro is by far the best print module on the planet btw) If this has been asked before, I apologize Thanks Rudy
  3. Do you happen to know the windows version's name? and thank you for your post. very informative.
  4. The windows file system is called explorer I am told by people in the know, but either way, anything other than importing like with LR would be fine with me.
  5. Well the Asset Management feature of DxO Photolab is not all that strong. Mediocre really. Personally I don't use the developing persona, although it has been improved a lot over the years, it still does not meet my standards. I use Dxo Photolab and I don't think that anybody, incl LR, can touch Photolab or C1 as far as output quality goes. So, a stand alone DAM like Bridge that utilizes windows explorer , or the MAC equivalent whatever that is, with an export function ("open with") would be my preference. Being able to get images from camera or card would be nice too (DxO doesn't do that)
  6. Interesting enough, my XP-Pen Deco-Pro works now better than ever. Especially after enabling the force pressure function LOL. (which should be enabled by default for dummies like me IMO)
  7. I agree! I use Bridge now, but not too wild about it.
  8. Interesting enough, my XP-Pen Deco-Pro works now better than ever.
  9. HI @Gabe I don't understand "new user". New Windows user? I don't know how to do that and if that's what you mean, I would be reluctant to do that. The problem seems to be more common than just on my computer. I tried both ways window ink on and off both in the XP-Pen driver and 1.8. Either way makes no difference Something I forgot to mention and might be related. When I use the tablet, the regular mouse no longer works in 1.7. Can't click on any tools etc. and still does not work after I unplug the tablet. 1.8 freezes up and I have to restart the program.
  10. Hi @Gabe Thank you for your reply, but the Artist is a display tablet. The Deco's are not. Different drivers. It worked fine in Affinity 1.7. and, as said, it works fine in other programs with the same windows. I only have one computer. If I follow the process of elimination, the problem has to be Affinity 1.8 related. That's why I posted it here in the bug thread even though the same problem came up in other threads recently. https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/topic/111371-pressure-sensitivity-not-working-with-182/&tab=comments#comment-602356
  11. I know this issue was brought up in other forums in the past, but it is still an issue it seems I tried the pen pressure with the XP-PEN DECO-03 and the DECO Pro (same driver) and I tried it with Windows ink enabled in both Affinity and the driver and I tried it disabled in both without any difference. Same result, which is nothing. This is the same for 18.2 and 18.3 Beta and Affinity Designer 1.8 I use Windows 10 and since the pen pressure works fine in other programs such as Corel Painter, the windows settings seem ok. Am I missing something?
  12. I have the same problem with the same tablet. Yes, windows INK is enabled both in affinity and the XP-pen app. It makes no difference if I disable them (in both). I also have the latest driver for the Deco 03 I reported this also in the affinity photo bugs threads @Callum
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