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Everything posted by toltec

  1. If you tap below 'Document', where it probably says 'Device' you have the option of Print (Press Ready). That automatically sets the colour to CMYK. Below that, you have the option to set the paper size. Mine shows A4 and the dimensions are in millimetres. If you choose a US paper size (like Letter), the dimensions will be in inches. Alternatively, you can tap on the 'Units' part and set it to inches or tap on 'Colour'and set it to be CMYK.
  2. Don't forget to add some Mint and Cinnamon to that sauce and wear your Red Hat while you eat it
  3. This might not be what is happening but when I was first playing around I had a similar problem. I did not have any of these selected I don't remember exactly what happened, but it worked when I selected something.
  4. Actually, if you were to take the time to read it, this part of the forum is actually Mac and Windows and for questions about using Affinity Desktop Software. As you are not actually posting questions about using Affinity Desktop Software on Mac or Windows computers, why are you here ? You would appear to be trolling.
  5. You need to supply a lot more information about what you want. Silk screen printing can be very complex. First question is, why do you want register marks ? With litho printing, registration marks are printed outside the page area, then trimmed off. If you did that with a T=shirt you would end up with a handkerchief Second question, what type of separations? T-shirt printing is pretty specialised when it comes to printing. Unless you are only printing on white shirts it is very common to print using several spot colours. Third question. which Affinity program are you asking about. Designer or Photo? One answer. Neither Affinity product produces separations, you would normally produce a PDF file or image such as a JPEG and let a professional printer separate it for you. It is possible to set spot colours, which a printer can use. Why do you want separations, are you printing things yourself?
  6. No they are not ! As has been said over and over and over, Serif have decided that the market is not viable (at least for now). So it seems have Adobe and just about every other mainstream, professional software company. Why do you think you know better than them ? Have you ever tried to launch a mainstream 'professional' software product for Linux ? As far as I know, only Corel tried and that probably lost them millions of dollars. If you take the time to read all the many posts in this thread, that message has been repeated over and over and over. I simply don't understand why Linux users can't seem to grasp that ?
  7. Maybe, but that seem to be just another specialist plug-in like Primatte. Not built into Photoshop. It looks pretty good though and is certainly cheaper than Primatte.
  8. Built-in ??? What software has that built in? Even Photoshop does not have that. You can use general editing tools, like select Colour Range (which you can do in Photo) but I tried them and the results were always very 'average' and needed a lot of post correction. I worked in a photo studio for a while and we used Primatte Chroma-key software and that was a pretty sophisticated and complex bit of software. Batch processing and so forth. Not only would it remove green or blue backgrounds, but it would analyse the edges and hair and remove the green tinge that always seem to get left behind. But even that was far from perfect and I don't ever remember an image that did not need some Photoshopping afterwards. Primatte cost about $300 which is certainly not the sort of thing you would expect to see built in to software costing about $50 dollars. If there is software with that built in, I would expect it to be pretty poor quality. I can recommend Primatte and there are alternatives. Once processed in Primatte, Photo does a good job of tidying the images up. You can do it all in Photo, which does it about as well as Photoshop, including removing edge problems and hair problems but it takes quite a bit of work too.
  9. 'test' is not a text layer. If you look at the Status bar at the very bottom of the screen, it says 'Pixel' It appears that at some time, you have rasterised the layer. i.e. turned it into pixel data. This is what it should say this is what happens when you rasterise the text layer
  10. It is really just a matter of cutting out each image of the jumper, one by one, then pasting them into the background. Once pasted you can adjust the position and rotation to suit. The following video shows the technique, although the subject is a bit lesss ‘animated’’
  11. Well, you won’t be able to use it as a plug-in (as you can in PS etc) but Qimage will load raw, tiff, jpeg files etc. Photo can export in those formats so there should be no problems at all.
  12. True, but you can tap on the controller and enter 1 mm or even 0.1 mm. Hard to be much more precise than that
  13. You can swipe across the Position X / Y controllers in the Transform studio. That works quite well
  14. @lama555 Try watching this. I think it will help you p.s. ignore the very first bit.
  15. You can replace colours with pretty much any colour you like. Something like this . . . Note: This is not a standard Mercedes option It's a really useful tool but it will only work on colours. It wont work on if there is no colour or if the colour has almost no saturation.
  16. And what proportion of such users compared to all the computer users in the world would you estimate that to be? Maybe 1% at a push, probably less. It is not my place to speak for Serif (they obviously know what they are doing better then I do), but any commercial company would realistically be aiming at the other 99%. If they sold very expensive software, maybe, but it is priced for high volume sales.
  17. Yes, it is lens distortion in 1.6 but I thought you wanted command+shift+d ? or control+shift+d in Windows
  18. Linux users are constantly disrespectful of Microsoft Windows, yet Windows allows countless millions of average users to do things with computers, like run businesses and does run Affinity software. Which Linux can't. Or do you think that only Linux users are allowed to be disrespectful ? perhaps only their opinion matters ? Why do Linux constantly come on here and trash the OS that half of us use, blabber on about how much better Linux is when it can't even do basic stuff like print to any of my printers?
  19. Indeed, it's Ctrl on a PC, not Cmd but other than that they all seem to be the same. However, the shortcut box for Develop Persona is definitely empty.
  20. That's odd There is no shortcut for that in the Windows version. 1.6.5 Still, it is easy enough to set one
  21. Yes, they did this over four years ago (August 2014) and Serif gave their answer. No. What part of 'No' do Linux users not understand ? So why go on and on and on and on .... ? Serif are a very clever company who have survived and thrived for 30+ years, writing good and desirable software. Do you think that is easy ?. Like Adobe, Serif could easily write software for Linux but have concluded that for now, it is 'pointless'. And bear in mind the huge problems they would face, not only are there lots of variants of Linux but Linux is often run on old, recycled PCs that may be OK to run Linux and basic software but they are not up to running a high-end, processor hungry program like Affinity Photo. If the Affinity 'experience' for most Linux users was that of endless watching the timer, freezes and so on,they would soon lose interest. So who would fund Serif's development costs? As the saying goes, 'be careful what you wish for'.
  22. 1. A huge problem if photographers or designers or tradespeople cannot use professional quality printers. 2. Like running Affinity software on Linux, none of them are based on reality 3. Speaking of reality, it is a problem because green-screen software like Primatte cannot be used in still life photography. Who cares about big multi-million dollar film industries if the average user on a budget has no access to useful software. Why are most people using Photo in the first place? mostly because it is much cheaper than PS. 4. In case you haven't noticed, this is a forum for Affinity products and as far as Affinity users are concerned Linux OS is pointless. OK perhaps it is handy as (in the case of the internet) it is an 'enabler' for doing stuff for genuinely useful computers, like Macs, PCs or even phones. But the software inside graphics cards, hard disc drives and computer monitors is more useful as far as I'm concerned. Some of that might be based on Linux to be fair, but then lots of stuff used to be based on Basic. I'm sorry, but I can't get at all interested in an OS. I buy computers to do things, like write pointless letter, edit pointless photos or play pointless games. As using a Linux computer would prevent me doing any of those to the standard I require. Linux is pointless as far as I'm concerned. Still, if people are more interested in the computers operating system than in what the computer can actually do ... maybe there is a point to it
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