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Everything posted by Archangel

  1. Well, I have just been surveyed by the Affinity Team. It looks like they are preparing to release the next paid update. One of the questions asked suggested a possible subscription option in paying for Affinity. Well, if it is offered alongside paying for the software and owning a version, then there would probably be no harm in that. Hopefully a bundle price will also be upcoming for Affinity Studio.
  2. As an experiment in getting poetry onto every day items, I thought a set of mugs might be interesting. This was an interesting trial. I chose The Goddess of Autumn as it is the most classical style of poem I have written. The font used is Ink Journal and the image is a vector traced version of an excellent image from Pixabay. I used Artistic Text and Alignment Tools to create the staggered line layout. The emboss effect was used to add a little interest to the main text design. Here are eight JPG files of medium quality to showcase the designs.
  3. As I remember, Serif Pageplus was sold as a "professional" desktop publishing solution that was also suitable for the amateur. I always took that to mean it produced output of professional level quality, which for the most part it did, despite a lot of commercial printers not taking it seriously. Affinity Publisher also produces professional quality output. Affinity designer should really say it is "a new industry standard" or that it is "on course to be the new industry standard". The problem with sales speak is it has to sound grand to peak customer interest. I am old enough to remember the release of the Sinclair QL "professional" computer. In this case, they were using the word professional to mean "serious" computer able to fulfil a professional role. Sadly, neither the professional nor the serious users in business never took it seriously, with good reason. Let's just be aware that the Affinity Software Range can be used professionally. It may not yet fulfil every professional, or for that matter amateur, user's needs, but then what software does? Affinity is not really aimed at the amateur, but can be used by amateurs.
  4. After desgining some mugs and mousemats on VistaPrint using Affinity software. I decided to download the blank templates and save them as Affinity templates for ease of use. I share them here with you all. Michael. Vistaprint Mousemat blank.zip Vistaprintmugblanktemplate.zip
  5. True. Although, I keep my registration key with the DVD release. However, as long as I have a copy of that, the full installer would work fine. The only issue may be installing PPX9 without all the fonts. Easier to do with the DVD, I believe.
  6. I think the latest full installer will suffice in patching the older DVD release. At least that is my own experience. I'm sure Patrick will be able to confirm that that is still the case.
  7. Affinity Publisher is probably the best replacement, but it is nowhere near as powerful as PPX9. In fact you would probably need the whole Affinity Suite to provide anything near to the all under the hood power of PPX9. As Alfred suggests, get a DVD USB drive and install onto your new laptop. Make sure you buy a reputable branded one. Although you may have trouble downloading the latest patches. I believe Alfred may have a possible solution to that.
  8. Interesting idea. The Windows version of Photo doesn't support scanning into memory. And Publisher would benefit from OCR import from scanned documents.
  9. Can you copy the format from one part of Artistic Text to another? For example, changing the font in one part then copying that and pasting that style to another part in the same text? Another thing I miss is the recently used fonts appearing at the top of the font list. That was very useful.
  10. One excellent feature from Pageplus and most good word processors is the ability to copy and paste formats to text on the screen. This would bypass the need to create a text style for each alteration. It might also be a quick way to create new text styles for your documents. It would be a boon to publisher and designer.
  11. Thanks. Convert the artistic text to curves. Select the new curve based object and add the style from the selection based upon that. Solved!
  12. I have been trying to create a style in publisher using add from selection which will be font and character style independent. However, I cannot for the life of me work out how to just make is copy the style without changing the font to match. I would like three artistic text forms to have the same colouring in layer effects applied but leave the font information alone, That way it can be applied to artistic text with other font styles. Is there any way to apply styles with such adaptive abilities? Much like the default object styles which come with publisher?
  13. Fantastic. A memory of the 1970s that doesn't bring back memories of high inflation. That's the nostalgia we need. A fantastic piece of work, sir.
  14. One of my favourite YouTube channels is Retro Recipes. A nostalgia fuelled look at the technologies and culture that shaped our childhoods' formative years. I decided I'd like a mug with that channel's identification on, and so designed my own. I have relinquished the design to the owner of the channel to avoid breaching his intellectual property rights, but I thought I'd share the creation of the project with you. Whether, he uses the design or not is up to him. This is probably just fan art. Check out his channel ... https://www.youtube.com/c/Perifractic
  15. AI is cool. It can be a great tool for many new features. It gives the power to make and manipulate imagery to both the novice and professional alike. However, it should be a tool which enhances workflow and provides extra abilities to all users. It should not replace standard, tried and trusted work methods, but simply provide enhancements which may be utilized or not. It should not curtail human creativity but complement it. Symbiotically allowing new ways of working, speeding up laborious tasks and providing support to the user without overwhelming or overriding the creative process.
  16. With Doctor Who you can just jump on at the beginning of an Adventure. Continuity is quite fluid over the whole run. A good start would be Rose in the 2005 series. Spearhead from Space in the classic series, or Robot.
  17. Ah, yes. The ambiguity of language. "A Poster Design Inspired by the TV series Doctor Who", would have been clearer.
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