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  1. Installation still failed. Removed 1.8.0. Couldn't reinstall it. Nor any of the 1.7s... I had to go back to 1.6.5 to be able to reinstall Photo. Then managed to update to 1.8.2 at last!
  2. 1.8.2 Installer not working (Win 8.1). I'm not using Malware bytes.
  3. The YouTube videos are what they call Legacy, so they're the old ones and those are easy to download. I have all of them, mostly downloaded from Vimeo when they were still on it. There was a download button. So that was quite easy. But the new videos are NOT on YouTube as fas as I understand. So, how can they be downloaded? I repeat, not everyone can access reliable broadband, so it's much easier to have the videos on your system. Yiou're sure you can access them anytime and anywhere. Come on, James, ask the techs to add a download button to the videos so we can enjoy your great tutorials more easily...
  4. Having downloaded all the videos from Vimeo, I agree with Petar Petrenko. It would be nice to add new to the titles. Problem : there's no way to download the new videos. Not everyone has fast reliable broadband. It would be great to add a download button for us in the outback!!
  5. Thanks. In fact I came across the solution just by chance a few hours after posting.Is this documented anywhere?
  6. How can one modify a filter layer? For example I have created a live filter layer (lighting), then did other things. I'd like to be able to go back to that layer and readjust the lighting. Is that possible? How?
  7. In some cases, after making a selection and after deselecting it, when I click on reselect, the selection is in the wrong place. Anybody has an answer? It doesn't always do it but I can't work out when I have the problem.
  8. Thanks for the tip, I had the same issues with the flood tool and follwing your advice I managed to do what I wanted. There should be an option to lock the tolerance.
  9. Carl123 has asked for the Jpeg. Here it is. As I said in my post I have no problem printing other photos, the nozzle test is OK. I printed a calibration chart pretty accurately considering the printer, as it's far from top of the range... The result I get with my angel is so way off the mark that I'm at a loss to explain it. So if someone can print it, I'd be happy to know the result. Thanks
  10. Quite pleased with my work on a photo of the Angel of the North, I decided to export it so as to print it on another PC of mine my Canon ip7250 is plugged into. The file looks good in Affinity before export, it looks fine on my other computer, using another software. And yet when I print it it looks terrible. Of course I checked the cartridges and I have no problems printing other documents or photos, I tried different papers and settings. I tried printing a TIFF export and a JPEG. Same result. What can be the problem?
  11. To : IanSG : That's the tutorail by James Ritson I used : https://vimeo.com/130972598 To HVDB : Thanks for the tip, I'll try that once I get home.
  12. I wanted to put a more dramatic sky behind this shot of the Angle of the North. I followed one of the video tutorials and managed to do it. However there's a blue fringe around the angel. What did I do wrong when making the selection with the flood brush? Is there a way to improve things as far as the mask is concerned or should I start again from scratch, but using what parameters?
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