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Everything posted by Bryce

  1. I'm not trying to be adversarial. I thought you were making the remark strictly because it was using a lot of memory, and that was the only problem. Your post didn't indicate that your were having performance issues of any sort. Failing to load is an issue, but not sure it's related to memory usage. Have you tried with 1.93? I noticed it was more stable.
  2. The Klopfenstein pdf was made in Indesign several years ago. What's funny is that it's not noticeable until it's exported. Affinity shows it correct. It's only once it is exported that is wrong. I have my own preset on it that is the "for print" modified to include PDF/X4 compliance, otherwise it get a lot of blacks turn to a CMYK mix on the second export.
  3. That memory usage is not a problem at all, at least from my experience. Publisher on my computer will easily take up a 3GB+ in a just a few minutes with just one file open. That's no problem because computers have so much memory. What's the point of lots of memory if your programs can't use it? I used to think like what your saying until I got Affinity. Realizing how much better it is to work in than Adobe changed my mind. I'm fine with it using memory if it gives me a great experience. if you want low res previews and jerkiness, dropped frames, and still use lots of memory, Adobe is your software.
  4. Here is another that I noticed this week. The fonts are embedded. PDF Pass through is close, but I have to go through and looks for this kind of stuff. Also that gray is going to all four plates instead of black. It should be this: Klopfenstein Repair 2x2 TF.pdf
  5. @GeGr If you would like to transfer your INDD files to IDML easily, there is a batch plugin for Indesign that will do your entire harddrive and save them to a folder you specify. It works pretty well from my experience. It's just called batch_convert.
  6. Here is the PDF - page 11. WBNews14-21.pdf Here is the AFPUB file: Alfred - I would not expect that to happen, as it doesn't in other programs. I have been dealing with embedded fonts for nearly 20 years with Indesign. Subsetting is common and the correct way when fonts won't allow the full embedding. All characters that are used are embedded and nothing else. I believe this to be a bug if it doesn't put in the ligature. thanks for you help! 14-21.afpub
  7. it appears that it's the "ti" ligature that is not being transferred.
  8. Hello, I've noticed on that we had a couple of ads, and I am providing one of them, that the fonts that are embedded in a PDF are not passing through correctly in Publisher. This was on 1.9.2 Paulding Carnegie Lib HW 2x2 14.pdf I know there was a new update, but I'm not sure what is going on. The PDF shows the font embedded. I had caught and fixed another ad that did this too. This one I missed before going to print. thanks!
  9. that would be more appropriate. Thanks for the update.
  10. has this been fixed at all? Find and replace should be limited by page, frame, or entire document, I would think.
  11. I guess I could use Designer to make the initial document but the guide manager doesn't work with all the artboards right, does it? I did successfully do our first newspaper edition this week using Publisher instead of Indesign. It actually worked without too many problems. No showstoppers and the separations looked okay for the most part. Some of the ads that gray was specified ended up separating as RGB converted to CMYK and I'm not sure why. If you made sure ahead of time that the color in the ads were 0 0 0 100 then the colors translated to the correct plate.
  12. thanks for the tip!! I didn't know that.
  13. how much space do you have free on your SSD? How much memory do you have? I worked in Publisher all day long yesterday and never got the beach ball once.
  14. This is for a newspaper layout. In Indesign you can use the page tool and move the page so there is a gap. That way it looks more like the newspaper page (with the gutter). It makes it easier to have things go off the edge without effecting the adjacent page in the spread.
  15. Is there an easy way to put a gutter between the pages in a spread? thanks!
  16. on the mac it seems to do nothing. from the responses I found online it looks that windows versions are crashing.
  17. doesn't seem to work for me or my employees. Bug maybe?
  18. Thanks Walt! that was it! You are full of knowledge!
  19. What does it mean if I have a multi-artboard file but objects only one artboard can be selected by the mouse? The other artboards are not locked and neither are the child objects. The only way that I can selecte them is to go into the layers pallet and click each one there.
  20. Did you happen to watch the very good tutorial video that they have for this? It shows using to different data sources simultaneously. for the most part, much more powerful than Indesign. The only feature I miss is the blank cell feature to remove the line.
  21. Seems to work well. How do I remove blank fields?
  22. I do agree. This needs to be added in. This and "merge to PDF"
  23. Ok. I did some more testing and attached the file and the link. it happens when I use PDF X4 setting for export. If I use PDF for print it does not do rasterize. It also does seem to do the same whether it is the slice or export. I must have had to different settings last night when I thought they were the same. Virtual Open House.pdf test.afdesign
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