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Posts posted by GRAFKOM

  1. 3 godziny temu Patrick Connor powiedział:

    Nie. Coś w stylu: "Nie lubię widzieć rozczarowanych klientów".

    Rozczarowani klienci to ci, którzy czują się niepewnie.
    Po prostu napisz na głównej stronie forum, że nie przesyłasz wersji beta lub małych aktualizacji, ponieważ pracujesz nad wersją 2.0.
    Każdy to zrozumie i nie podawaj daty, jeśli nie chcesz.
    Ale teraz, gdy niektórzy ludzie piszą, że Affinity umarł lub Serif nie ma pracowników, aby uaktualnić linię programów Affinity.
    Musisz dobrze przeglądać forum, aby dowiedzieć się losowo, że coś się dzieje z oprogramowaniem.

    Jestem przedsiębiorcą, który na co dzień korzysta z oprogramowania Affinity w swojej pracy zawodowej.
    Chcę dać ci moje pieniądze, które trzymam za aktualizację CorelDraw (znacznie więcej pieniędzy niż 3 programy Affinity).
    Daj mi powód, aby te pieniądze trafiły do Serif, a nie corelDraw.
    Naprawdę, chciałbym dać ci dużo pieniędzy na programy, które mam nadzieję, że są tworzone (po prostu powiedz nam o tym) i które nie będą miały wielu błędów.
    Nie chcę niczego za darmo - zarabiam pieniądze tworząc za pomocą twojego oprogramowania.

  2. Sprawdź program Affinity za 10 lat, może coś pójdzie w tym kierunku.
    Serif niestety nie korzysta z tabletów z systemem Windows, gdzie używane są gesty i rysik, w przeciwnym razie wiedziałby, że w tym momencie używanie np. programów Surface pro i Affinity jest bezcelowe.
    Proces wprowadzania zmian w Affinity jest tak powolny, że za chwilę zmienisz okna na windows 20, a od Serif i tak nie dostaniesz odpowiedzi, ponieważ "czytają, ale nie odpowiadają.

  3. In general, it is probably more about adding the ability to add other icons to the interface in the top bar, than just those that are standard in the newly installed Affinity program.
    We want us to be able to decide for ourselves which icons are needed and which are not.
    There are undo icons in the iPad, macOS, and Surface Pro Windows does not.
    So if it were possible to add these icons, then working on Surface Windows would be easier.
    By the way, I have a question: do the opponents of inserting additional icons on the top bar, e.g. undoing, work professionally on Affinity programs on a daily basis? I ask out of curiosity.

  4. Five years ago I wrote on this forum that it would be possible to add icons to the top taskbar by myself (similar to CorelDraw). At the moment it is a very, very, very limited amount of icons.
    Users could add buttons like: new, open, print, back, redo, import, export etc.
    If someone doesn't want to add, they don't add and have a clean top icon bar.
    I remember Sefif wrote in the forum that he wanted a minimalist top toolbar.
    I just don't know if any of the Affinity interface designers work with this program. Probably not, because he does not know how often these icons are used in normal everyday work on the software.
    I work every day at work (I am a graphic designer in an advertising company) also on Surface Pro 8 (Windows), there is no keyboard included.
    All simple activities that can be performed with 1 click on the icon (which is not there) have to be clicked through the top menu. So: e.g. undo, redo, print, insert etc.
    Adding an additional History panel takes up a lot of space on a small screen. A small undo icon would be enough.
    With the stubbornness of a maniac, Serif does not want to allow these icons to be added on their own. And it's probably not technical reasons that they can't do it, after all, they did all the software.
    Coming back to Corel Draw - it allows you to add an icon to each activity and function that is in the program, if there is no appropriate icon (and there is a huge amount to choose from), you can create your own icon in this program and connect it to any function or activity).
    Perhaps Serif programmers should look at other graphics programs on the market?
    In my opinion, this is empty talk, because I personally do not believe that it will be done, it's been 7 years since the creation of Affinity, and many features are not fixed (I'm not talking about adding new features, but about fixing). Very rarely does Serif respond to the needs of users, as if no one would read this information from their side. I compare it only to the VectorStyler software - where the response and reaction of the creator is almost immediate - yes I know there is only 1 program, Affity 3 programs on 3 platforms, but VectorStyler has contact.

  5. 13 hours ago, Patrick Connor said:

    Sorry, there is no news at the moment 


    5 hours ago, Patrick Connor said:

    Bye, if you are going, it's a shame as there is a lot more to come from the Affinity range. We have not given up we are just developing some bigger stuff

      These are some contradictions.
    So there is no new information, but still quietly secret from all Affinity programs are developing.
    An interesting way to promote software.
    As I wrote before, I use Affinity for my professional work on a daily basis.
    At the beginning of the development of this software, I actively participated in beta versions, suggesting ideas for improving the program, but I noticed that it does nothing anyway. I have the impression that Affinity developers are making the program, but not working on it! Users suggest ideas and corrections, but it also happens at such a snail's pace.
    The last updates were only the fixes of the patches of the corrected patches. And I don't expect anything for free here.
    I will be happy to pay a lot, much more money for the efficiently running Afinity software, even in version 1, if it is devoid of a lot of errors and flaws.
    If Serif is working on a new version 2.0, it is enough to say and write that you are developing version 2, not that there is no information.
    Thank you. Butryn Marek, Poland.

  6. 7 hours ago, Patrick Connor said:

    Sorry, there is no news at the moment 

    This is somewhat disturbing information.
    Has Serif stopped working on Affinity products?
    There is no new information regarding the new beta version 1.0. for several months.
    Could this be the end of the Affinity product line?
    It is a pity, because I work on a daily basis in the Affinity programs.
    Maybe Serif should hire you from Vectorstyler.
    There you can really see the progress of work on the development of the program and contact with customers.
    So goodbye Affinity. Serif encouraged graphic designers for his program and he seems to give up.

  7. Ostatnio prace nad programami Affinity znacznie zwolniły, a nawet ostatnie aktualizacje były poprawkami. Mówi się, że Serif nie ma informatyków, którzy mogliby dalej rozwijać programy Affinity.
    Dwa lub trzy lata temu prawdopodobnie pracowali inni specjaliści IT, ponieważ wtedy można było zobaczyć postęp z kolejnymi aktualizacjami i dodano nowe funkcje (w ramach wersji 1.0)
    Teraz wszystko się zatrzymało. W tych 3 programach jest mnóstwo błędów i niedociągnięć.
    A teraz są dwie opcje: albo będzie awaryjna wersja 2.0 ze naprawionymi błędami i nowymi funkcjami (bez wersji beta?) Albo jest to koniec Serif, który wycofuje się z rynku.

  8. Przestań prosić o tę okazję.
    Serif nie poprawi tego błędu moim zdaniem, a także wielu innych błędów.
    Nie ma teraz z nimi inteligentnych specjalistów IT. Tempo rozwoju jest tak szybkie, że wersja 2.0 pojawi się może za 7 lat.
    Problem, o którym mówisz, był omawiany ostatnio 2 lata temu:

  9. I have the impression that the IT people who started to create the Affinity suite no longer work at Serif.
    8 years ago, when the Affinity package was created, there were many very interesting ideas for the development of this software, there were fresh ideas and work started, but a lot of functions stopped at the very beginning of the program development and so far have not been completed, including the progress bar , 8 years have passed and what? and still no progress bar. I'm sure there aren't any more people in Serif who can do it.
    It's a pity, I have been using this program professionally for 7 years and I would even like to pay extra for this function and many more.
    Give Serif an account number, I will transfer a donation to develop the functions or hire new fresh IT specialists who will be able to complete unfinished functions.

  10. Already a year ago, I asked for this feature and many other fixes.

    In the end, I gave up asking for features and tweaks because Serif won't implement them anyway.
    Version 1 of Affinity has been running for 7 years now and the changes are so slow that there are two options: either version 2.0 is coming where these changes and fixes will be implemented, or Serfi has no IT specialists who can fix anything.
    It is enough to look at Vectorstyler in what way it is developing and how it has contact with users.

  11. 35 minutes ago, AdamW said:

    Re: Bleed for place artboards - You should find if you place an artboard from a Designer document the placed object's bounding box now changes to include the bleed area or not when selecting which page box should be used (e.g. from the context toolbar).

    OKAY. It is indeed fixed. But the objects on the bleed are still not visible.
    Due to this bug, I am not actually using Affinity Designer for my work.
    We have been waiting for this error to improve, unfortunately for 5 years.
    Well, there is already a small step forward.

  12. 6 hours ago, Dazmondo77 said:

    I very rarely open Designer or Photo as I use StudioLink in pub for 95% of the time so normally save elements as jpegs or png's (save selection without background) ----- oh well, it would have been handy in pub - and wouldn't really justify opening in Designer or Photo just for this feature

    I have purchased Designer and Photo as separate programs just so that I can use StudioLink in Publisher. If all these good features exist in these two separate programs, I don't understand why they can't be implemented in Publisher. After all, the condition of the Publisher's full and proper operation is Affinity Designer and Affinity Photo.
    I still stand by my decision that I want to donate the equivalent of the purchase of CorelDraw 2020 (711 Euro) for the faster development of the Affinity package and not making bad decisions for Serif.

  13. 3 hours ago, Patrick Connor said:

    so will not be added to publisher

    I am very disappointed with this answer.
    Although I have purchased all Affinity programs for Mac, Windows and iPad for my advertising company in Poland, until the basic errors in Designer and Photo are fixed, I use Affinity Publisher on a daily basis, using Persona Designer and Persona Photo for designing books, flyers, posters, business cards, logos, elements for websites, web banners, etc.
    I even gave up buying the CorelDraw 2020 update (I have been working on CorelDraw from version 3.0) waiting for the Affinity software updates.

    And here is such an uninteresting answer.
    I would like the money prepared for CorelDraw to be spent on development at Affinity.

    Please, Serif, enter your account number, I want to deposit 711 Euro so that you do not make bad decisions.
    Butryn Marek is a company for graphic designers from Poland.

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