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The Bearded Bird

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Posts posted by The Bearded Bird

  1. I'm dreaming of what I would like to se from Affinity in the future. 


    Now we have a awesome Photo tool - Designer tool - and on the way is a publisher tool. 

    I started using Affinity because it's a powerful tool that let you work at a much higher speed then I used to do with Adobe (that I have worked with for over 10 years). And now use Affinity for everything at work, but there is still some things I can't do with the affinity software. Books and folders (this will be fixed when Affinity Publisher is released) and animating things. I would like to se Affinity take on animation with its different personas, they could have one persona for animating UI /UX (what I need the most) and one for caracters and things like that. 

    Since there already is an awesome UI design tool in AD this would compliment it Perfectly :D

    Something like Framer with code would be great for UI animation




    - Just me dreaming of what to come. Peace!

  2. Hi, I've been working on som assets and documents for material design in Affinity designer.


    The Icon assets are the original SVG downloaded from https://material.io/icons/ and are all in 24x24 px (I will try to update this when there is new icons).

    I've also started to make a document that is a copy of te dokument that Sketch uses (This is not done but I would like feedback on what to improve)




    Material design.zip

  3. It would be awesome if a assets list could be made public and people could subscribe to a list. So if someone/affinity team made a list of current icons in material design, or something else that may change. The update would happen live on everyones list as soon at the owner of the list updated it :)


    So to clarify, I don't want to just export the current list in my assets and share on some random site. I want the update to happen live on all the machines that subscribe to the list. 



  4. Ohoi!


    I was working on som design for a watchface that Im designing. And the screen is e-paper, so I had to make the graphics black and white with 8 bit and as close as possible to the shape. But with nearest neighbor, as the best option for this, I had to export my work from Illustrator, because in illustrator there is an option for Adaptiv in the color reduction algorithm.

    I will need to do this again every time my job wants me to design enything for this watch :( 

    Please add this or tell me if Im just not looking in the right places.

    I have added a screenshot for Illustrator and the options you get in "save for web" and also a letter exported by Affinity Designer with, what I belive to be the best settings for the same job.





  5. Hi!

    I am slowly going from Adobe and Sketch over to Affinity, but have some "hiccups" in features. 

    Some of the features I wish for.


    1. RGBa 

    2. Material design assets

    3. padding functions on buttons, so that buttons change size based on the text.

    4. A function to add "Symbols" in the Assets panel so that if I change one symbol, they all change.

    5. Google Material design color swatches. Someone made this 

    6. Make assets connect to the Affinity account, so when I use a different computer, all my assets will be there.

    7. add new Page presets in the "new document" settings.

    8. Flowchart

    9. Plugin support

    10. export to CSS 

    11. export to XML

    12. copy SVG code

    13. Pages

    14. Shadow options like they have in the sketch app. 



    BTW! I am now only working on AD and AP! :D:D love how my workflow has changed and how much more I get done.

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