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Everything posted by TonyB

  1. Can you please post one of the images. We are having difficulty reproducing but need to get this fixed.
  2. The 1.5.4 RC beta fixes the problem. You can work around the problem by making sure you have a selection before going to the export panel and then selecting "Whole Document" We are very sorry we introduced this bug and an App Store Build is about to be passes so you shouldn't need to use the workaround anymore.
  3. RAW is a different story as processing take a massive percentage of the time to load. TIFF, JPEG, PSD is nearly all reading so it's that metric I'm concerned about. The files later would be fine, you have already given me timings for Windows PS so that's a good start if you send me the same files.
  4. Yes, all fixes and feature updates for 1.x are included in your purchase.
  5. Thanks, any chance you could post a DropBox link to your test files. I will test on the Mac first and then validate on Windows to see if we have a problem. Also the TIFF loads look very quick for PS. You must have a very fast PC to load over a gigabyte of data in just over a second.
  6. Not 100% I understand so perhaps you could post a document or image of the layout and the objects you are trying to select.
  7. The beta had now finished. Affinity Designer is available to buy here
  8. How slow is slow? Can you time it relative to another app? Also what size of jpeg MB and Pixel size? I'm not aware of the Mac version being slower than any other mac App so perhaps it's a Windows build issue.
  9. Because of the 20%(25% in some territories) off offer it should be cheaper to buy 20 licenses today than wait until we have the volume license system that might not be on offer.
  10. The 1.5 App Store version(when released) will overwrite 1.4 when you update. You can prevent this by copying Affinity Photo from your Application folder before updating. The beta 1.5 can be installed at the same time as App Store 1.4 as they use different names.
  11. Do you have Affinity Photo installed and in your Application folder? We look for the App Store version to enable the beta to run.
  12. Can you post a video or any more clues as to what is happening.
  13. The download links should be in the 'Affinity order confirmation AXXXXXXX' email. Click on he "Get your Freebies" link.
  14. I believe this has already been logged and is being fixed. It should hopefully make it into a new beta soon.
  15. We don't have an auto-trace feature in Affinity Designer at the moment. We will only introduce it when we feel the results are good enough.
  16. I can't see why we shouldn't expand colour range selection. We will put it on the list.
  17. I assume you are using Affinity Designer as this is a feature in Affinity Photo. We have no plans to add additional selection tools to Designer at this time. Any design created in Designer can be loaded into Photo and vice versa.
  18. There isn't a requirement to remove old version as the installer replaces the current version. We should add an option to check from within the application though.
  19. Thanks Mike, I will raise the revert discussion again internaly. No promises but I can understand the benefit.
  20. Thanks for the feedback. If this weekend is a good indication of posts then we might have to separate more of the forum. We will make the decision over the next couple of week.
  21. When and why do you mainly use the feature? We just need to justify it taking space in the already long menu.
  22. That's not our experience but Lanczos 3 should always give a superior result when reducing size.
  23. We have often had the debate internally about a revert feature. We just think the history slider usually will get you back to your original document and a revert feature would just make the menus longer. Perhaps we could add the feature but let people add it to a custom keyboard shortcut. Would this cover your use-case?
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