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Everything posted by R C-R

  1. I have an older second generation Magic Trackpad (originally marketed as the Magic Trackpad 2). I think it is the same as the current one. I almost never use mine & I don't have a current MacBook to compare it to but as best as I can tell it is quite precise.
  2. I am not exactly sure what you want to reset but you can move the Position slider back to any previous state.
  3. Is there a way in BBT or with anything else to change the touch sensitivity for the MM2 (or any other touch sensitive device)? IOW, some way to allow me to avoid triggering a gesture if my finger is on the top of the MM2 & I accidentally move it a tiny amount? For me (& I am pretty sure for a lot of others) that is what makes it hard for me to use it without keeping my finger off the top until/unless I want to trigger some action, particularly just a click.
  4. You could add your own category & to it add the missing A (& any of the many other standard formats to it) if you want. It is easy enough to find info on all of them on the web, for instance at https://www.agooddaytoprint.com/page/paper-size-chart-faq.
  5. You have to purchase a third party add-on tool like BetterTouchTool to program more than a few basic gestures to work with the mouse, right?
  6. True, but my point is the Share > Photos step in the OP's workflow will not overwrite the original; it will just create a duplicate file. So that workflow itself does not put the DB at risk.
  7. I don't think there is any risk to the Photos database with that workflow itself. It does not, as the OP assumed, change the name of any photos -- the Share step just creates duplicates in Apple Photos with those long names. That said, there is a significant risk to the database if in AP one then uses Open Recent after doing an open from Media > Photo because it will expose a part of the Photos library that is normally hidden & should never be accessed or edited outside of Apple Photos. I have complained about this almost since the first version of AP was released but nothing has ever been done about it.
  8. Where exactly (the complete file path) did you go in Apple Photos to select a photo with that file name?
  9. Something else I noticed with the test file is that the bottom rectangle is 6000x6000 px, the full size of the document, but in the layer thumbnail it shows as though it is much smaller & offset from the center. So I selected all 4 layers, copied to clipboard, & used File > New from Clipboard to get this RadialBlurTest copied.afphoto file. Note that in it the document size is much, much larger & all 4 layers are at the upper left. I have no idea what's going on with the original but that new from clipboard version acts as expected -- the star is not blurred, just has the expected pixelated edges.
  10. Wow! There is something very weird about that file. Not only does the star look blurred, if I open it in Affinity Designer 2, the fan in my iMac starts spooling up (which it almost never does & if I select the star & try changing any of its properties the app begins lagging & showing radically different shape properties as I zoom in & out.
  11. Unlike Affinity Designer Affinity Photo always shows vector shapes as pixels after you draw them. I suspect that is what you are seeing & mistaking it as a blur at the star's edges. If not, can you upload the file so we can see if we get any blurring?
  12. There are three different Affinity apps, Affinity Designer, Affinity Photo, & Affinity Publisher. See for example https://affinity.serif.com/ for an overview, "More Info" links for each of them, purchase options, etc.
  13. Actually, it was a gesture. The problem with the design is if you accidentally move your finger even a tiny amount while resting it on the touch-sensitive surface it triggers the gesture. If there simply was an easy way to set a tolerance or sensitivity for that trigger it would not be so bad but as iyt is the only way I ever found to keep from accidentally triggering it was to keep my finger arched off the mouse unless I was trying to click & being very careful not to slide my finger even 1 mm when doing that! Doing that for long resulted hand cramps so I just put the mouse away & stopped using it.
  14. Which is why it works with what @carl123 suggested by converting Image layers to curves.
  15. Agree 100%! The MM2 is among the worst for accidental rotation & for me after using one for more than 30 minutes or so & trying to keep my finger arched over & not touching the surface my hand begins to cramp up. The old MM1 with the tiny ball on top was better in that respect except that it got dirty too quickly & required constant cleaning.
  16. For me, View > Zoom to Selection will zoom to any selected layer object but not to selected text within a text layer -- it just zooms to the entire text object.
  17. 1. For me, I'm not sure if on Open any recently deleted files are removed or not since I almost never quit the V2 apps on my Mac. 2. While the app is open, deleted files do open because (as I expect) they actually are deleted & do not remain in the file system! I am amazed that they do for you. If they are not yet deleted & simply are in the Trash, then they will open; however, if I then empty the Trash, I still get when selecting the (now blank) thumbnail in the Recent window, at the bottom of the window the file path still shows it is in the trashes folder, which it is not.
  18. I'm not sure what you mean about rasterizing the JPEGs. JPEGs will always be rendered to pixel (raster) objects in Affinity & saved as such, so it won't matter if you use the erase or any other function on them as far as file size is concerned.
  19. It would help speed things up if you briefly listed which ones you have tried. It also would be a good idea to include a smallish AD or AP file that you are experiencing the lags with & let us know which tools or procedures lag.
  20. If you mean more quick shape tools (like the Cog, Spiral, Polygon, etc. tools) you cannot download & add any more to the ones built into the apps. What you can do is search the web for interesting vector shapes & add them as assets.
  21. I'm not seeing that on my Mac. If I try to open a deleted file from Recent nothing happens.
  22. FWIW, you did not remove the question (you can't do that) but you can hide it from view by anyone other than the staff. To do that, click the 3 dots at the top right of the first post & choose "Hide."
  23. I suggest reading https://affinityspotlight.com/article/understanding-dpi/ to get a more complete understanding of when DPI matters & when it does not.
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