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Everything posted by dominik

  1. I think one way to deal with this topic is to take it with humour 😃. Thanks for looking at the bright side. Damn, I'm going off-topic myself. d.
  2. This is going way off-topic of this thread and posting music videos does not help (or contribute) either on the topic. Please stay more focused. Thank you. d.
  3. Danke, kein Ding. Freut mich ja selbst, wenn es ein Treffer war 🙂 Wenn Du möchtest, kannst Du unten rechts bei meinem "post" mit der Lösung ein Dankeschön anklicken. Weiterhin viel Erfolg mit Affinity. d.
  4. You may want to check out this overview. d. https://affinity.serif.com/en-us/whats-new/
  5. Hallo @philippmn, wenn ich mir Dein Bildschirmfoto anschaue und darin die Ebenen, dann erkenne ich, dass Schriftzug "ECHO" ein Vektorobjekt ist. Und ganz oben hast Du eine Maske, die genau wie dieser Schriftzug aussieht. Also hat das mit dem Erstellen der Maske ganz gut geklappt. Ich vermute, Du hast in den Dokumenteinstellungen (Datei > Dokumenteinstellunge > Farbe) kein Häkchen bei dem Punkt "Transparenter Hintergrund". Bitte überprüfe das als nächstes. Bei mir sieht das Ergebnis mit "Verfeinern > Vorschau: Transparent" so aus: d.
  6. Hallo @philippmn und willkommen im Forum! Im Dialog "Auswahl verfeinern" hast Du oben rechts im Feld "Vorschau" den Modus "Overlay" ausgewählt. Das bedeutet, dass alle transparenten Flächen mit dieser rötlichen Farbe markiert werden. Du kannst in dem Ausklappmenü auch einen anderen Modus auswählen, dann solltest Du die Transparenz sehen. Einfach mal probieren. You selected Mode 'Overlay' in the drop down box called 'Preview' in the top right corner of 'Refine Selection'. This causes the redish colour. Try different choices, one of them shows transparency. Du kannst im Dialog für den Export ein Häkchen setzen, das dafür sorgt, dass transparente Bereiche transparent exportiert werden. Evtl. hast Du das übersehen? Perhaps you missed to check 'Export with transparency' (I'm not quite sure about the correct wording) in the Export dialog? d.
  7. Hello @LeftyAngler and welcome to the forum. Of course you can produce a dust jacket with APub. You need to know that the application does not support spreads with more than two pages. You would set up a one page spread with the size of the entire dust jacket. Then you mark the seperate sections (front cover, spine, ...) with guides. I usually place rectangles with their respective background colour for each segment in the background and lock them. Essentially is to know the exact measurements of the five segments. But to just build a prototype design you can use guessed dimensions. E.g. you could measure them from a book in your library if you have one. Also keep in mind that you have to include a certain amount of bleed around the entire design. You could search in the resources section of this forum if you find a template. But it is not very complicated to set up a template by your own. d.
  8. Hello @beertje53, you may want to look at David Straker's Luminosity Selection Tutorial (there are more on this subject). Perhaps this is what you need? d.
  9. There is no way to adjust a selection with a keystroke as far as I am aware of. Try the Flood Selection Tool or the Selection Brush Tool. Move it around the object and it will create a selection around it. There is no need to do a step inbetween by drawing a square selection. I hope this helps. d. PS: See also this tutorial video (of many on YT) on the Selection Brush Tool:
  10. It is not possible to invert the selection of layers but you can use 'Select Same > Tag Colour'. Select all objects via CTRL+A In the layers panel right click and assign a tag colour to all of them Then select just the few objects you want to keep and assign them in the layers panel a different tag colour Finally select one of the objects you want to delete (with the firstly assigned tag colour) and use menu 'Select Same > Tag Colour'. Then hit delete That should solve your task. d.
  11. @StuartRc, great suggestions. I support the last one. Have a way to keep the pressure graph open ... and to resize it! d.
  12. I agree. Having some kind of 'QR-Code builder assistant' would be helpful. d.
  13. @Return, thank you for confirming. I restarted APub and now it does work. Whatever the reason on my first take was. Looking forward to incorporate this tool into my workflow. d.
  14. Clicking does add a new pressure point but with zero width! To me this looks like a bug. I would expect it adds a point but does not the line's width at that point. d.
  15. OK, correction: for some reason I cannot get this tool to work in APub's Designer Persona. In AD it does work as described above. d.
  16. For some reason I cannot get this tool to work. I do see the line width handles but I cannot grab and drag them. Apart from that, great addition! d.
  17. As I said, if it is not slowing down workflow I think this would be a good addition (as an option). I am saving my work all time even with different versions over time (basically a poor man's incremental save) because I was bitten with lost work several times. d.
  18. Basically I think is a good idea. I've seen this in other software I use and it occasionally save my ... life. Problem with Affinity is that with some projects files can become quite huge. The time to save is not instant but can take a up to three seconds or more. This would interrupt workflow quite considerably. I'm not technically good enough to know if some kind of 'shadow copy' mechanism would work. After all, if there is a way to implement this without interupting workflow I'm all for it. d.
  19. Uh, oh, das ist alles bedauerlich. Jetzt fällt mir zusammen mit den Vorschlägen von @Komatös nichts mehr ein. Deine Hoffnung ist jetzt, dass jemand von Serif noch interne Möglichkeiten hat, die Daten zu retten. Viel Glück! d.
  20. Hallo @LaraF und willkommen im Forum. Tut mir leid, dass sich Deine Datei nicht öffnen lässt. Einige Fragen: wo ist die Datei gespeichert? Interne Festplatte, externe Festplatte, Dropbox, iCloud, Netzwerk-Server, etc. Die sicherste Methode zum Speichern von Dateien, an denen Du aktiv arbeitest, ist das Speichern auf einer internen Festplatte. Hast Du ältere Versionen von der Datei, die Du öffnen kannst? Wenn dem so ist, dann hättest Du immerhin ein älteres Backup, falls die Datei nicht gerettet werden kann. Sicher meldet sich jemand von Affinity und bietet an, die Datei hochzuladen und zu untersuchen. Heute ist Sonntag, da musst Du evtl. bis zum Wochenanfang warten. Wenn Du Publisher geschlossen hast und im Explorer dorthin navigierst, wo Dein Dokument liegt, findest Du dort eine Datei mit der Endung 'afpub~lock~'? Das ist eine verborgene Datei, vielleicht musst Du erst die Anzeige von verborgenen Dateien aktivieren (Optionen Menü vom Explorer). Wenn diese Datei vorhanden ist, dann kannst Du sie probeweise mal woanderes hinverschieben und das Öffnen neu versuchen. Ist nur ein Versuch, aber wer weiss? Letzte Möglichkeit, die mir einfällt. Erstelle eine neue, leere Datei und versuche über 'Dokument > Seiten aus Datei hinzufügen...' die Seiten aus der beschädigten Datei in das leere Dokument einzufügen. Manchmal klappt diese Methode. Viel Glück! d.
  21. Hello @Niki Park and welcome to the forum! As mentioned in this thread already you can continue to use Bridge. The major drawback is that it does not show previews of Affinity files (to my knowledge). There have been various discussions here on this topic and it all is on Digital Asset Management (a.k.a. DAM). Search the forum and you will find a lot to read. For some time I was using XNViewMP that has a lot to offer but about two years ago I decided to go with ACDSee Home. It all depends on your needs but in terms of culling images, tagging, keywording and building collections it works in a similar way as Bridge. It can be a little overwhelming in the beginning. I want to link to one extensive thread here in the forum that should be a good starting point for your research: d.
  22. Hello @Ludwig Sonntag, I think on the Mac it is Command+0. You can see the shortcut in the menu 'View > Zoom'. d.
  23. Hello @philipt18, once you hover with the mouse over a page in the pages panel you will see a little popup that lists all master pages assigne to that page (or spread). And, yes, you can apply multiple master pages to one page or spread. Just make sure you do not replace the existent masterpage (right click on a page and choose 'Assign master...' d.
  24. Hello @Greg T, I am uncertain if I can help you as you are able to provide very detailed technical information already. First off I would try to reboot the computer. Second, we've seen occasional hiccups during the install in the past. So trying again a couple of hours later could solve the problem. Third, you can look on your C:/ drive for the installation folder of the EXE versions. Search for C:\Program Files\Affinity. If it is there you installed the EXE installer. If it is not there you used the MSIX installer. Good luck to sort this out. d.
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