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Everything posted by nwhit

  1. Interesting! If I Export and select the More/Rasterize Nothing, I get a transparent background, but I also lose all the beveling and metal effects. Not really a solution if that's the only way to get a trans background. Really seems strange.
  2. Thanks for the assistance! That's a well hidden method to get a transparent background! I tried that but still no luck. I still get a white background when placing the EPS in either APub or ID. I've attached the ADes file to see if there is a possible problem with the artwork. I have to say that I never had an issue like this back with AI, so am a bit discouraged that something so seemingly simple can be so complex. Again, thanks for the help! Aero 20-yr in UK logo.afdesign
  3. I have the same issue. Have a Designer 1.8.3 graphic that shows with trans background, has that set in Setup, but when exported as an EPS, has a white background. I also need to have this file as a usable EPS with transparency. How is that done in Designer? Doesn't seem to work. Aero 20-yr in UK logo.eps.zip
  4. I have never had a problem with EC in the betas, other than the preview doesn't show correctly sometimes and the window needs to be adjusted for size to get a correct preview. It works in the current/new beta, so you may want to try that.
  5. TomM1, are you using the Mac App Store version or the Affinity store one? I keep thinking that since virtually all of the betas have allowed EC to work that likely the Affinity store version also would (since it's not having to deal with the stricter sandboxing issues of the App Store software). To me, spending $50 for a new copy from the Affinity store in order to get it to work wouldn't be the end of the world.
  6. I can appreciate what you're saying. On the other hand, EC has never had an issue in most all of the betas. Works fine. That does lead me to believe that the issue lies in the Mac App Store version and, as you say, sandboxing. In the release version Mac Bugs forum, a poster did report that EC works in 1.8.3. As was the case in 1.8.2 and 1.8.1. So I guess I am now spoiled enough using Affinity apps as opposed to my antique CS5 apps, it would be worth the extra $50 to be able to regularly use EC within APh. Also hoping that you can support EC in the future. It is a very useful tool and greatly reduces time/costs for our clients.
  7. With the release of the new beta, I finally updated my Mac App Store version of APhoto to 1.8.3. Once again, as in the past few releases for Mac App Store, Eye Candy will NOT open at all. I had waited specifically (and patiently) for the new 1.8.4.x beta to be released so that I had an option to still be able to use EC, guessing that the identical problem with EC may likely be in the App Store version again. And sure enough, it is still there. Please, please, please. With 1.8.4, can you finally get EC to open in the App Store release? And if it is simply impossible to get it to work with the App Store version, please let us know so that we can go ahead and purchase another copy via your store. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has the App store version and uses EC (or wants to). As it is right now, unless there is a beta available, it simply does not open in 1.8.3 App Store.
  8. ID has an Effect called Directional Feather that isn't available in APub, nor is it imported correctly AFAIK. Been a requested feature for quite some time since it is a common effect used in ID.
  9. Gradient feathering in ID is a VERY useful feature and I also DEARLY wish we could have this in APub. We have a bunch of ID files that have this as part of the layout and from experience it cannot be imported into APub since it isn't supported yet. Hopefully it can be added.
  10. Sorry, just tried it and it isn't fixed. I opened the APhoto file in the newest beta/rc, then did a save as. Tried to place in the latest APub beta just now and get the same issue. The bounding box is still a full A4 size.
  11. Had a similar experience with an idml import on a text frame with rounded corners coming in with the right spec for radius, but the wrong look. Jon just said they are aware and working on it, and if you set the doc's dpi to 72, it will then look correct. Obviously, not a fix, but at least they are aware of the issue.
  12. Uploaded a version with all embedded resources. Original file was created in 1.7.3. This version was opened in the latest beta 603, then saved and exported. PDF x4 output file also uploaded. Cannot select in either Preview or Acrobat Pro. No problem with any other pdf. Can also export the rgb version of this same doc in pdf dig small with no issues. I also just did a reset of export presets on the beta, but that did not resolve the issue.
  13. Just tried beta 603 and with an export of a cmyk doc, I noticed that a lot of the text is not selectable in the pdf. However, oddly things like paragraph sub headers and some freestanding text is selectable. This is the previously uploaded file "Clean Water 2019 - FW - 4pg - CMYK -b584_x4.afpub" that we were having other issues with before (missing graphics in export). Settings for the x4 output in screenshot. In the 2nd screenshot, you can see that I can select the para header but not the body text. I can also select text frame over the pic as well as the main page headline and subheader. Same for all pages of this 4-pg doc. I also do not see anything in the Text Style for the body copy that would affect pdf output or cmyk. The text is all coming out as overprint k, so no difference between what is selectable and what is not.
  14. Just tried this in Friday's beta and it still does the same thing. I rechecked the ID file and the radius on that text frame is 4.2 mm. But when opened in the latest beta, the setting of 4.2mm is not visually correct and has to be reset to c.0.4mm. Not sure why it isn't reading/following/interpreting the IDML file on this. It follows the radius settings in all the imported rectangles but apparently not a text frame.
  15. Finally loaded up Photo MAS 1.8.1 and we still have the same problem as in MAS 1.7.3. EC will not launch. In the History, there is an entry for Plugin, but nothing happens. And just as with MAS 1.7.3, in the betas of 1.7.3, 1.8.0 and 1.8.2 all will launch EC just fine, but the MAS versions will not. Global Authorization is selected, correct path to the plugins. Topaz and Goog Nik plugins launch fine in both the retail and betas. It seems that the MAS versions of Photo are the issue since all betas have not and currently do not have the problem.
  16. Either go to your “Purchases” section, or do a search for the app in the App Store. Once there, the button should read Update instead of Buy.
  17. Well, hopefully Affinity support can help figure this out for you, once they catch up with the major issues evolving from the release of 1.8. Overall, they apparently did get plugins working for the most part for people reporting, but think there are still issues to be solved. Especially why EC won't work/open in a MAS version!
  18. Interesting! Must be something else happening with your setup. There is a minor diff in my plugin path in that I have moved/installed my extra plugins into a new folder within the Applications folder and called it Photoshop Plugins. I have my Google Nik collection and Topaz plugins in there, then point Affinity to that folder. But the "unknown" status is the same as mine.
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