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Everything posted by nwhit

  1. Those are in v2. Try the free 30 day demo. The preview is in the export window and reflects your export settings. Metadata removal has always been in the More section of the export dialogue.
  2. As an update, I just updated my M1 MBP to Ventura 13.1 beta and I no longer get the crash. Not definitive but may be a Ventura issue that will be resolved with the new version soon. Update: Spoke too soon! After trying it about 10 times, I let it sit for awhile. When I tried it once more, crash.
  3. On the Serif website, there is a massive amount of information regarding the changes and improvements, including short videos that depict those new features/changes. MUCH easier than someone trying to type out that much info.
  4. I’ve been doing very, very complex APub multi page docs in v2 with no issues like that. Runs quickly with little hesitation doing massive copy/pastes. Guessing it’s something unique to your computer or configuration.
  5. If you are currently running CS6, just be sure you check the OS minimum requirement for Affinity V2 apps to be sure you don't purchase if you're on an OS that's too old to support it. FWIW.
  6. A 10-minute free download would answer your question quite quickly. But OTOH, I found over the many, many months when Affinity was developing the IDML import in numerous betas, that any time my company came across an IDML import problem, it was very easy to upload it to their tech staff for evaluation and troubleshooting, which always resolved the problem, sometimes albeit after an upgrade. There are, of course, many things that can be done in ID that don't export well, much less import properly, but Affinity staff has been relentless in working on those issues to get them resolved, assuming they can be resolved. Sometimes it is the fault of ID, not Affinity that causes the import problem. May not be the answer you're looking for but it is a viable path.
  7. In Publisher, you can select the Picture Frame, then check the Contextual Menu area for the Properties button. Change the Properties to None as far as scaling. Then using any of the corner points, you can resize only the frame. Also in this mode, when selecting the Picture Frame, the bottom right will now have a scaling dot that you can use to scale both the pic and frame.
  8. The "solutions" have already been, very fairly, explained. If you just recently bought V1, Affinity has provided an email address to submit for possible resolution. If you bought so-so recently, and aren't ready to pay for the new version, don't upgrade. No one has to upgrade. Use v1 for a few more months or a year or so to amortize the cost over a longer period. V1 runs, produces massive amounts of pro-level media for our company's clients, and will keep running for the foreseeable future. Then later when you feel you've gotten enough "use" out of V1, then buy the new V2 version. That said, as been the history with Affinity, they are truly giving this fantastic software away at a very, very, very competitive price, whether at full retail or right now at the introductory price. Just seems strange that people are somehow construing that Serif are somehow forcing people to upgrade just because they launched a new version. If you don't want to pay the price, don't upgrade. Keep using V1 apps. They're great.
  9. Best not to try then. Change is difficult for many people. And free is a pretty tough deal to accept. Personally, my media production company has imported hundreds of legacy ID files, most all without significant issues. And V2 of Publisher is dramatically better than V1 in my brief testing.
  10. His answer seemed to indicate that he "meant" to say switching WITHIN Publisher (thus, the Photo Persona. When he said "Starting APhoto separately lets the menu entry appear again." seems to be in agreement with your instruction, Walt. Think he just isn't clear on the difference in the terms "Persona" versus full App.
  11. Be pretty easy (and free) to simply download the 30-day free trial and give it a go. Easy way to test it.
  12. As a media production firm, we've been running CS6 in a Parallels VM (Sierra for max compatibility for a bunch of software) for the last couple years with no real issues. Runs fast, works, shares files with the main OS, etc. Allowed us to upgrade the main host OS for newer software like Affinity.
  13. Ah, yes. Driven past there many times! Amazing that a company this size can turn out such fantastic software with such great and personable support. Thanks to all involved! Good people!
  14. Jon, I had uploaded the pdf used in the APhoto files to the dropbox link yesterday, but also have it attached here. Clean Water 2022 - WW -8pg - final printer cmykx4.pdf
  15. I also uploaded via the link the original pdf used to create the APhoto files (the placed content) and a screenshot of one of the APhoto files. Not sure if there are any incorrect settings that are causing an issue. Odd thing is that you don't have the problem when you export. Perhaps having the original CW pdf on the same drive and linked to the APhoto files is causing an issue?? Are the APhoto files placed into the APub doc somehow cross linking back to the original Clean Water pdf and when exported as a pdf pulling up the original pdf using only page 1?? That might be why you were able to export successfully since you didn't have the file that was linked in the APhoto files. In looking at your pdf, the 3 pages look low rez, so perhaps the export simply used the preview image for exporting as opposed to the actual hi-rez pdf (since you didn't have that original pdf). A bit confusing, but perhaps that is what is going on. Perhaps I can't create a APhoto file using a placed/linked PDF, then place/link that APhoto file into a new APub, then export as a pdf. Just guessing, but maybe when it exports as pdf, it is reaching all the way back down the links to the original Clean Water pdf, but ignoring the page designations. YES!!! I think that is the problem! I just redid the APhoto files and changed the placed pdf pages as embedded instead of linked, replaced them in the APub doc, then successfully exported (attached). Thus, don't know if this is a bug or just the way it works. But DON'T use a LINKED PDF in an APhoto file, then place that APhoto file into APub as a linked file, then export as a pdf!!! At least now I can go ahead with other docs using this workaround (have to embed in the APhoto files). Clean_Water_WW_22-Print_test-new-embedded.pdf
  16. @Jon P Spooky! I just tried deleting them from the doc, then placed them again. They show onscreen correctly (attached pic), and in the RM and layers. But when I export as a PDF, I still get only page 1 for all 3. Oddly, if I export as a jpg, the pages come out correctly. Has to be something related to pdf. The APhoto files were created using a pdf of the Clean Water publication that had been exported from APub. Seems that for some reason when I then place those APhoto files into APub, it is simply reverting to the first page of the original PDF and passing that through on pdf export, but doesn't do that when viewing onscreen or exporting as a jpg. Clean_Water_WW_22-Print_test-print-new.pdf
  17. @Jon P Interesting. I just reopened the APub file I sent to you in the beta, did a Replace in RMgr to reattach the APhoto files, then exported PDFs as both Print and as Export. In both cases, I get the wrong pages for pg4 and pg6 (see attached). Also tried it in my retail 1.10.1 and get the same (attached). Not sure what might not be set correctly so that you seem to get a good pdf export but I cannot. Clean_Water_WW_22-Print_test-export.pdf Clean_Water_WW_22-Print_test-print.pdf Clean_Water_WW_22-Print_test-print-retail.pdf
  18. Thanks, @Jon P. Uploaded the APub file, the outputted incorrect pdf (where the 3 separate APhoto files each show the same page 1 image instead of the correct pages), and a packaged zip file with all the linked items including the APhoto files of the individual pages placed into the APub doc. I never tried this in the retail version since I have been working in the 1.10.5.x betas for some time and had not updated my retail version since 1.10.1 due to some of the known/reported issues. Thanks.
  19. The center 3 images of 3 different pages of the Clean Water publication were originally Placed as APhoto files. These files were created in APhoto to show a single page of a PDF publication originally produced and exported in APub. When the APhoto files were placed in this APub doc, they appeared fine on screen, showing each of the 3 different pages. However, when exported as a pdf they all 3 show the same page 1 of the original APub exported PDF instead of their actual unique pages. The attached doc is an exported pdf where those APhoto files were replaced with png exported versions of the files. With a link, I can upload the original APub doc of this document with the linked APhoto files, as well as the original APhoto files that created the problem when placed into this Apub doc. Clean_Water_WW_22-Print.pdf
  20. Yes, I'm aware of that, but thanks for the reminder of that feature. It does, of course, assume that a person ALWAYS starts with a rectangular picture frame, which is often not the case. And I am unaware of a way to convert an oval/circle picture frame to square. Additionally, changing an existing rectangular frame to a circle using the corner option still requires a bit of tweaking in order to actually get it back to a circle or decent oval, and time = money for clients. Thus the Feature Request to have a simple toggle to go back and forth. Just be very, very handy for layout work. I would literally use it multiple times a day since several of our clients incorporate both round and square graphic items in numerous pubs.
  21. I run into this all the time in Publisher. When revising previous publications or doing rough layouts, I have a need to change existing picture frames from square to round and vice versa. And, yes, I also routinely create shapes, then convert to picture frame. But when working on layouts, like to try an image contained in a rectangle, but also would like to easily be able to see it in a circle without having to start from scratch. And I don't want to go to the complexity of converting the frame into curves, then dealing with that. Just a simple toggle between square and round. Hopefully this would be a simple thing to implement. Thanks. And here we are in 2022 and hard to believe how long it's been since I've worked in ID!!! Actually since the first version of APub! Started with v1 of PageMaker, so been a long path to get to 2022!
  22. I think he's referring to saving a new doc where the save dialogue's name box has "untitled.apub" showing for saving a new doc. In most all apps, and I think earlier Affinity apps, the word "untitled" is normally highlighted so that you can simply type the new file name without having to manually select the word "untitled". May be the same for doing a save as. The current file name (but not the appendage) should be highlighted so as to allow easily changing the file name if desired. Normal Mac interface SOP.
  23. Not sure if you have done this. Make sure you go to MacOS Prefs>Security & Privacy>Privacy>Full Disk Access, then be sure to add the app. May have to click the lock at lower left to be able to add an app. If the app is already there, then may take something else, but this is a possible reason.
  24. That would be great to get this fixed!!! I spent a few days trying to fight this issue on a doc that I routinely use as a base, then update content. For the life of me, I couldn't figure out what the heck was going wrong every time I flowed to a 2nd page! Ended up deleting all the text frames involved (and content) and had to reset everything from scratch, which was a PITA. Yes, if there were an indicator like the overflow "eye" to warn someone, that would be a huge help. Also like the Transform scale panel idea.
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