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Everything posted by pioneer

  1. Thank you to both for your helpful answer's on where to find the file nowadays. Cheers John
  2. After having to rebuild the o/s on my pc I have lost the download big zip file with all these resources. are they still available anywhere as the links all give a time out. Cheers John
  3. @PÅ¡enda yes its the same file I just moved the quiz prizes to see if that was interfering in some way. @MikeTO Thanks for the info, I converted both to curves and it now prints Ok. thank you for the heads up, much appreciated. Cheers John
  4. As can be seen from the attached file I am experiencing a problem printing this file to a Laser, Deskjet and exporting to PDF. does anybody have any suggestions what maybe amiss? Its an AP file with the quad warp applied in AD. I have obviously worked around it by exporting as a *.jpg and then printing. Cheers John
  5. Is this the only preview of what is to be printed in any of the Affinity suite or have I missed something? I really don't wish to harp back, but there used to be a much better print size preview and ability in PagePlus. I am on a desktop monitor and I really struggle to see the anticipated output.
  6. These are great thank you @StuartRc
  7. Thank you all for your help, its been invaluable . @v_kyrThank you for taking the time for the illustrations. @StuartRc I looked at the originals but could not find a download link. I am trying to create a vintage comic birthday card for my gt Granddaughter and with all your help I am now able to complete the job. Cheers John
  8. I am trying to create a style of a red background with black dots within a rectangle that I can export as a png, then bring in as a bitmap as a gradient fill to save as a style, sadly I cannot seem to achieve a seamless effect within the created style. Any suggestions would be most helpful. I hope I have explained the situation ok. Cheers John
  9. Thank you to everybody for the advice and suggestions. Most will be taken on board, sadly its already printed and being used ATM
  10. Lates flier for our local club.
  11. Good afternoon, apart from being able to sort brushes by name is there a way to resort-move a brush set in the list manually. Cheers John
  12. Thanks to both, discovered the info after your advice in my account. Also the Publication Typefaces Collection
  13. Splat! Illustration Kit for Affinity by Frankentoon as part of the upgrade to V2. I can find most of the items, but I cannot find the 10 Borders Pack nor the 3 Demo Artwork or the user guide. Can anybody point me in the right direction please? Cheers John
  14. Thanks to all for the help on this. Alfred seems ATM to have come up with the best solution. Cheers John
  15. Is there a way of producing text that looks like it been written in the sand please? Cheers John
  16. I do mostly fliers for the local clubs around near where I live for advertising on local FB and Nextdoor groups. Non profit, just for my amusement and to help out. Improvements or Criticism's as always are most welcome
  17. Is there likely to be a reprint of this or any other of the Affinity workbooks?
  18. Thanks Garry and Paul, that helps enormously. Cheers John
  19. Good morning I am trying to create a circle with 3 identical segments within it to place images within each segment. but for the life of me I cannot fathom on how to do it. Can anybody please assist. Cheers John
  20. Good morning. I have a pantone colour that I wish to use as a fill in Affinity Photo Pantone 3515 How does one input this into the program to fill a shape with this particular colour please? Cheers John
  21. @GarryP Looks like you have cracked this. thank you very much, its obvious when you know how. Cheers John
  22. Good morning I am obviously doing something wrong so help needed. I recently discovered if I create a publication preset such as a 1920*1018 publication in AP that preset would also appear in AD and APub. However when I look at that preset in AD and APub they have changed sizes and orientation, what am I doing wrong? Cheers John
  23. @Mithferion Yes that's exactly the sort of styles I've been searching for. Cheers John
  24. @MithferionThis is really great effect. On a different note I have been looking around to find a similar glass effect as a style where I can change the tint for making up a stained glass mockup to no avail so far. John
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