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Petar Petrenko

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Everything posted by Petar Petrenko

  1. I know Affinity has an aversion to polls, but my opinion is that sorting the poll by the number of votes is a great indicator what users most want to get in the next version. It would be a matter of mutual satisfaction - the company would have far fewer annoying customers, and they, in turn, would always know what to expect in the next version.
  2. Of course. What I want to say is when they released on tuesday, they were RC2 and know -- without any new updates -- they became RC.
  3. Did I recall good? As I remember, few days ago all apps were RC2 and now RC. Does it mean v. 2 is here?
  4. If this is a case, I merge them in Word. I hope that Affinity will add (in near future maybe) linking text documents like Wordsflow from Em Software. InDesign has something like that, but unfinished.
  5. Hi MikeTO, as you can see from my initial post, I didn't mentioned master pages at all. Section break connected with paragraph style would be very appreciated if Affinity decide to implement it. What I really want is just a little enhancement to a paragraph style as mentioned.
  6. Hi MikeTO, I have 30+ years of experience in DTP. Does it qualifies me of knowing this "trick"? I've done hundreds of books, magazines, brochures... Single story, multiple stories books, multiple files organized as "book"... PageMaker, QuarkXPress, InDesign (last 10+ years) and now Publisher, but nothing seriously because last few years I'm orinted toward books and Publisher lacks foot/end notes (waiting for them to appear in v. 2.0, hopefully). I think this enhancment I am asking for will speed up the process a little bit.
  7. Yes, I'm aware of that, but while waiting for it to come, I think my idea is worth to be considered.
  8. Yes, I know that, but I'm trying to avoid them because if you add/delete text the chapter will start on other page and you'll have to adjust master pages. This way you don't have to.
  9. Hi, I’ve just got an interesting idea of “removing” headers and footers on an opening chapter page. As you can see in the attachment picture, there are 2 black stripes defined in “Text Styles > Paragraph > Decorations” used to cover headers/footers (of course, the color has to be replaced with white) and text “Chapter 1” lowered down with “Space Before”. But, there is a small “problem” which I would like to be solved if possible by Affinity Team. If client wants to reposition the chapter title (with space before) then decorations follow the changes and the headers/footers become visible and they have to be adjusted, too. So, the question is: would you be so kind and make decorations position to be independent from Space before/after changes? Just to mention, there is a “bug” in Text Styles. As you can see there is selected paragraph style in “Text Styles” panel but its name is not displayed because of the “Use Space Before > Only At Column Top”.
  10. Hi, can we expect some of the features in Photo to support AI in near future?
  11. That is what I said in my initial post.
  12. Hi, where I can find arc shape tool? There is no such. Only elipse and pie. Why it is not as easy as in CorelDRAW -- moving the control point inside elipse/circle creates pie, moving outside creates arc?
  13. InDesign baš i nema neke posebno interesantne efekte, posebno ne za obradu fotografija (kad ga već upoređuješ sa Photoshopom), a sigurno ne toliko kao Photoshop. To znam jer koristim intezivno InDesign već više od 10-tak godina.
  14. Well, we shall wait for this feature a little bit more time, but I wonder why Adobe included it into Photoshop rather than Illustrator or InDesign?
  15. Hi, I would like to see "Zoom to Margins" feature and when scrolling up/down with arrow keys then next/previous page to stay zoomed to the margins, not partially displayed.
  16. Me, too. I did it by mistake and it took me a few minutes before I realised they are outside the layer. I think it is a bit confusing because artboards are treated as layers. They have to have their own panel like pages in Publisher.
  17. Hi, look at this example. The triangles are outside the layer. Now, when I select all elements and try to group them, the house is moved toward the triangles. If you put them inside the layer everthing is OK. Is this normal? proba.afdesign
  18. Hi, for those who don't need Publisher, it would be good to have Designer Persona in Photo and vice versa. For the rest of us, it would be good, too, when we choose Photo Persona to get all Personas that Photo has.
  19. Thank you @GarryP. It was about the pressure. I used it for a line in the book and I didn't realise it is still active. Now, everything is OK.
  20. Yes, I wonder too, because I didn't change anything there.
  21. Hi, I wanted to export some Designer files into SVG and PDF for those ones who didn't use Affinity suite, but I have some problems with the circles as you can see from the files I attached. Can somebody explain to me what am I doing wrong? Thank you. MAKLIT.afdesign MAKLIT.pdf MAKLIT.svg
  22. Hi, can you explain better what you mean by placeholders? What happened when you pasted them into Designer? Maybe some visual example to see it in action? Thank you.
  23. The RGB values you see here are form the period introducing color TVs. There was a problem watching color programs on B&W TVs so the experts have to do something. After some time experimenting they found the values I put here.
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