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Posts posted by denironaut

  1. Well hello there,


    I'm lucky enough to have been blessed with a lovely baby boy the last few weeks so haven't had much time to spend on this image. I really wanted to show everybody the characters though, so I've bunched em up and here they are! I've started a blog incase anybody's interested, http://craigearnshaw.net  Why not follow me! Its pretty bare at the moment but hopefully I'll fill it up over time! Anyway thanks for having a look.




  2. I've not Peter, to be honest I've got lots of learning to do before getting to the 'eejits' level, affinity is the first vector program I've tried to learn properly, I've spent years using 3d software but have become a little bored with it all, trawling the forums there's only so many ironman clones or overly scaley zbrush creations one man can take!

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