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  1. Still pixelated to me. Or am I doing something wrong?
  2. It's GOOD! It is! Too bad the support is abysmal p**p!!! I've never said it's a bad app, only that management is cr@p AF (communication to forum mods, to coders, software decisions)! These extra nodes are already almost 1 and a half year old, not fixed. The thumbnails bug is half a year old already and going strong. If only they would release small patches to fix bugs, instead of one yearly fix.
  3. But you will get split sheets in Publisher in 2.6 😇 That's what they are pushing hard. You can even create a basic rectangle shape, then play a bit with the contour tool, use force open option, and randomly when baking appearance, nodes appear. I've posted a video on a thread a while ago, good to know the problem only got worse. Edit: 1 year and a few months already! Serif you never disappoint to disappoint
  4. Never a simple task, but it's about the only app on the planet that still hasn't resolved the issue. It's been months now, almost half a year since the "you can't expect serif apps to work on beta OS" reply.
  5. Probably next year. Serif has snails for coders, and incompetent management. They focus on 100+ fixes instead of fixing what's affecting everyone.
  6. Install the Beta Designer, you should be able to view icons. Still not perfect but at least you see something. You don't have to use the Beta, just install it. Restart your Mac and use the public software. Then once they update, delete the Beta.
  7. Now it's in the Beta app 😂. So we are testing it 😂. Not sure what they tested, but it's still not proper fix. I installed only the Designer Beta, but don't use it. Reset Finder with cmd shift esc (I can't remember the proper combo without looking at it) or restart Mac, and you should see thumbnails. Quicklook still doesn't show properly, only a bit magnified icon, but at least I see whatever TF is in my document at a glance.
  8. This was discussed about a year ago, where even converting color spaces and/or rasterizing images gave larger file size. I think Hangman tried a few variations and got bigger PDF size with optimization vs no optimization. It was logged as a bug to further investigate, but we all know how Serif works..
  9. I will not go back to a previous OS just because one lousy app developer is late. Use XnView like me, to find something in a document. It's slower and worse than quick look, but better than downgrade. Let's just try to have patience, and in a couple of months, we may have the fix 🥰
  10. <moderated> How did apple broke this when they announced it way back they are modifying the quick look api?? Also affinity is the only, only & ONLY app not working properly. Affinity already posted they are aware of the issue and are making fixes, but unknown when. So how is this an apple issue again? With people like you licking Serif's boots, no wonder they got comfortable being lazy and not informing anyone anything.
  11. Oh Jesus Christ don't give them ideas like this. You will make them comfortable with "Do nOt UpDaTE whEn nEW OS coMes out" - because they are late or lazy to investigate issues. They po0p on all of us, it's just the plain truth!! Otherwise they would have warned us before Sequoia update - mail, social media post, forum.. Or would have provided a valid time-frame for the fix to show how they care. They didn't do any of that, so convince me they don't po0p on us! Just accept that they don't give a rat's ass about customers.
  12. What communication? There is no communication between devs and mods. It's always a "soon" /"logged" reply. I've tried to communicate with them on IG, peacefully, again the "we are aware" message. But you've been aware since June/July :))) Honestly I haven't seen anything good since the Canva merge. No faster updates, no bugfixes. In my 4-5 years of using the app, it always stinked like a very poorly managed company. The product is OK, has the potential to be good, but the management is absolute dogpoop!
  13. There is an update with a fix, so they say. But when, only the devs and the Lord himself knows.. Maybe this week, maybe in November.. AFAIK this is the biggest bug at the moment impacting ALL users with sequoia.
  14. https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/topic/215406-problems-with-affinity-255-and-macos-sequoia-beta/page/2/#comment-1290911 Here they said it's been fixed, but not releasing it yet to do more testing.. sounds fishy, but who am I to judge, I mean even Crita or whatever small soft was mentioned a few posts up, managed to fix this faster and deliver. Also no release date, just the serif "soon" reply. That could be the new slogan for the whole company.
  15. Imagine having a good communication between dev team and staff members / clients.. All this would have been avoided. Like "yo, we know we messed up, and are the last one to implement the new API, but expect it to be fixed by mid october max". Because "soon" and "logged" is what we hear since june/july. 4 years user here, and whenever a major bug got logged, it was always "soon" / "next update", leaving us, the consumers hanging. I really don't know how you guys still manage to function as a company :))) At least Capture One notifies users on social media that they are late to the OS update, (as always!), and they don't advise to update because tethering may not work - also that they are working on a fix and will be available in 2-3 weeks. It still makes them look bad ofc, but at least we know when to expect a fix and work around until it drops.
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