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  1. Thanks, at a first test, the threading issue that made 2.5.0 hang has been fixed.
  2. Is it just me but I can't find a list of the bugs 2.5.2 fixes?
  3. There are no embedded files. All are linked. Send me an email adress and I'll send by WeTransfer.
  4. Can't find Sample Proccess. This is a print out from Activity Monitor>CPU>View>System Process Activity Monitor.pdf
  5. On my reserve laptop - MacBook Air with Apple M2 chip and running Sonoma 14.5 the file loads and the application doesn't hang. On my 16" Macbook Pro (2019) also running Sonoma 14.5 the 17MB file hangs and distorts texts, 13MB files don't. Just reinstalled on Macbook Pro and it has hung. Attcahed is a PDF of Activity Monitor and a screen shot of the Publishers data solus. Activity Monitor-Publisher 2.5 hung.pdf
  6. I use the Apple Font Manager. Fonts are Google PT Sans Narrow and Libre Baskerville. I think its a memory issue becasue smaller docs work. THis doc loads and looks ok for about 20 seconds then hangs and becomes blurred.
  7. No linked PDFs and fonts are Google fonts on my laptop. The doc startts ok but then (after 20 seconds?) becomes blurred and the Application hangs. Have reinstalled previous version and all is well.
  8. Have no short cuts, can see nothing in preffs that could affect this. Worked fine in previous version.
  9. I have had to force quit Publisher 3 times since updating. I am running Mac OS 14.5 Publisher now unusable. Now will see what happens with Designer and Photo.
  10. Sadly still no selection into a stroke that was a basic in Illustrator and which I and others have asked for from first using Affinity Designer. Come on guys it can't be that difficult. 8-)
  11. Thanks guys, the simplest way is the select the line with its arrow head and , then select Group. I now have the same tint from start to the end of the line. 8-)
  12. Whena tint is applied to a stroke that has an arrow head the area where the arrow and the stroke overlaps become darker than the rest of the image. Am I doing something wrong or can I somehow merge a stroke and an arrow head so there is no overlap?
  13. Just installed 2.0.4. It crashed on opening with no documnet selected. However once restarted it is safely opening all the files that were crashing 2.0.3. Fingers crossed for the weekend. 8-)
  14. Whilst this doesn't account for all the crashes, this is my current nightmare. An A4 page with an image size 544 KB created in Designer2 produces a 1 MB page with just the image on and that document (attached) crashes Publisher2 and Designer2. If the image is exported as a PNG the new doc (now only 507 KB) with it solus does not crash the app. QED Publisher2 doesn't like Designer2 or pages of around 1 MB? Drum major combined.afdesign Drum major solus.afpub Crash report3.txt
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