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Fun Art Sam

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Everything posted by Fun Art Sam

  1. Please add GIMP .gpl file palette compatibility. Most art programs are able to export this file type, so it's almost a universal file type for color palettes. I have to manually recreate color palettes based on color palettes I created with Aesprite.
  2. I factory reset my brushes and Affinity showed me the default brushes! I wish Affinity would clearly label their default brushes. It would help me stay organized! haha
  3. Does anybody have an updated list of the default brushes? It would be very helpful for me! A screen capture would also help.
  4. Hi! I'm working on a Windows computer and can't find the option to increase the UI font size. Is this feature located somewhere else other than Preferences > User Interface? I'm using Affinity version 1 products. A lot of people have been complaining about the same problem. Has it been fixed yet? Thanks for your help!
  5. Hi! I'm working on a Windows computer and can't find the option to increase the UI font size. Is this feature located somewhere else other than Preferences > User Interface? I'm using Affinity version 1 products. Thanks for your help!
  6. Thanks Alfred for your suggestion! I will check out those brushes. I think I may have found one possible method to create pixel brush patterns. The pattern layer tool and a square pixel brush look like a promising process. Hopefully, that will work. Ishegeek created an awesome tutorial about creating a pattern, which I can then use as a texture in my brush.
  7. Does anyone know how to create a custom pixel art brush, with repeating patterns, to simulate dithering? It would be neat to create other pattern brushes too for stars and clouds.
  8. How to create half drop and full drop repeat patterns in Affinity Designer:
  9. I’ve been trying to learn how to create pattern brushes and fills in Affinity Designer too. How to create a pattern brush:
  10. Hi @Sean P Do you know if this symbol issue has been fixed yet? Thanks for your help, Sam
  11. Hi @carl123 Yes! Are those brushes the legacy brushes? https://affinityspotlight.com/article/get-legacy-affinity-brushes/ Thanks for your help, Sam
  12. Hi @MEB Why can’t this be a default setting for new projects? I have to redo a project, with over 30 art-boards, because of the 1 pixel gap problem. I’m creating vector brushes and the small pixel gap creates a line around the brushes. Thanks for your help, Sam
  13. Hello, I've been reorganizing my vector brushes on Affinity Designer and came across an issue. What are the category names of the default Affinity Designer vector brushes? I have too many brush categories, which caused me to lose track of the Affinity Designer vector brushes. It would have been helpful if Affinity had labeled them as AD brushes, for organizational purposes. I found a link to the legacy Affinity Designer brushes, but not to the current default Affinity Designer brush category list. https://affinityspotlight.com/article/get-legacy-affinity-brushes/ Thanks for your help, Sam
  14. Hello, I'm really enjoying Affinity Designer so far. There are so many convenient features to help make vector illustration more fun and efficient. I recently discovered symbol bugs on Affinity Designer for Windows PC. The bugs never occurred before the last AD software update. After duplicating a symbol, I'm unable to arrange the symbols independently using the 'Move to Back' function. The duplicated symbols move together, even when only one is selected, while using the 'Move to Back' function. I also can't disable visibility without them all being turned on or off simultaneously. A macOS user recently had a similar problem, from this thread:
  15. I'm experiencing the same problem with symbols on Windows PC, but this never happened before.
  16. Any news about global styles being included in a future version of AD? I would appreciate a global styles option, if it's possible. As an illustrator of picture books, this option would save me a lot of time and effort.
  17. Any news about global styles being included in a future version of AD? I would also appreciate a global styles option, if it's possible. As an illustrator of picture books, this option would save me a lot of time and effort.
  18. @Remi McGill Audiokinetic Hi Remi, I just tried to replicate what you were doing in your video. It looks like the bug is now gone from Affinity Designer and it works! I was informed by a staff member that the developers have been working to improve symbols for us. There was a recent, new release of Affinity Designer that may have these improvements implemented now. Take care and have a good day, Sam
  19. @Lee DHi Lee, Thanks for your help. That's good to know that there may be some possible fixes for nested symbols. Nested symbols, and symbols in general, are life savers when designing with vectors! Take care and have a good day, Sam
  20. @ChrisSmereHi Chris, I like the idea of having a reset or resynchronize function for nested symbols! It would save a lot of time and energy creating illustrations and other vector designs. Take care and have a good day, Sam
  21. @Gabe Hi Gabe, Thanks for your help. I'm still confused about nesting symbols. Are there a lot of bugs in Affinity Designer that prevent someone from using nested symbols? I need to know this in order to avoid using nested symbols in future projects. I just thought that I may be doing something wrong when I'm editing the symbols to cause them to become unsynced. Take care and have a good day, Sam
  22. @MikeW Hi Mike, Thanks for your help. I will try to do what you suggested next time I have a bullet list in a project. Take care and have a good day, Sam
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