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  1. how to create like that? you have tutorial video?
  2. I want to export few artboards with export persona, but the slice size no precission with artboard size and imposible to create manual size. cek my video https://www.loom.com/share/b3e07c51a8e7465fbb9168085bd6ed09
  3. Hi Sean, Yes it crashes every time I do that. I've tried shutting down and restarting my iPad but that didn't solve the problem. How can I send the file to you? It's a new document I created and when it crashed it wasn't saved in affinity designer so I had to start all over again. fyi i use ipad gen7 and last version affinity designer.
  4. When I’m apply contour tool - convert to curve and use corner tool this app force close please see video https://www.loom.com/share/6a8f4c1f48964bfdb6c149283691424e
  5. where can I find the add noise feature in color overlay or gradient overlay on the layer fx? Like affinity designer on desktop
  6. I've tried it as there is information but still, changing the dpi document to 72 doesn't solve the problem.
  7. Hi I have issue with document size when exported to eps and opening file using adobe illustrator The size of the document looks not the same as what I have made in affinity designer. documents in the illustrator become larger. is there a solution to this problem? I'm using affinity designer 1.8.3 version please see the picture that I included for more detail
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