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The majority of the settings found in the Clear User Data window can be found in the following locations: 


  • Affinity Store version
    • Affinity Photo: ~/Library/Application Support/Affinity Photo/user/
    • Affinity Designer: ~/Library/Application Support/Affinity Designer/user/
    • Affinity Publisher: ~/Library/Application Support/Affinity Publisher/user/
  • Mac App Store version: 
    • Affinity Photo: ~/Library/Containers/com.seriflabs.affinityphoto/Data/Library/Application Support/user/
    • Affinity Designer: ~/Library/Containers/com.seriflabs.affinitydesigner/Data/Library/Application Support/user/
    • Affinity Publisher: ~/Library/Containers/com.seriflabs.affinitypublisher/Data/Library/Application Support/user/
  • Mac App Store version ( Big Sur & later ) :
    • Affinity Photo: ~/Library/Containers/Affinity Photo/Data/Library/Application Support/user/
    • Affinity Designer: ~/Library/Containers/Affinity Designer/Data/Library/Application Support/user/
    • Affinity Publisher: ~/Library/Containers/Affinity Publisher/Data/Library/Application Support/user/


  • Affinity Store version:
    • Affinity Photo: %appdata%\Affinity\Photo\1.0\user\
    • Affinity Designer: %appdata%\Affinity\Designer\1.0\user\
    • Affinity Publisher: %appdata%\Affinity\Publisher\1.0\user\
  • Microsoft Store version: 
    • Affinity Photo: %appdata%\Affinity\Photo\1.0 (Store)\user\
    • Affinity Designer: %appdata%\Affinity\Designer\1.0 (Store)\user\
    • Affinity Publisher: %appdata%\Affinity\Publisher\1.0 (Store)\user\
  • Microsoft Store version (Alternative Location):
    • Affinity Photo: %localappdata%\Packages\SerifEuropeLtd.AffinityPhoto_844sdzfcmm7k0\LocalCache\Roaming\Affinity\Photo\1.0 (Store)\user\
    • Affinity Designer: %localappdata%\Packages\SerifEuropeLtd.AffinityDesigner_844sdzfcmm7k0\LocalCache\Roaming\Affinity\Designer\1.0 (Store)\user\
    • Affinity Publisher: %localappdata%\Packages\SerifEuropeLtd.AffinityPublisher_844sdzfcmm7k0\LocalCache\Roaming\Affinity\Publisher\1.0 (Store)\user\

Common Affinity User Defaults:

Clear User Defaults

This will clear any custom settings made within the Preferences panel. It will also reset any changes made to the Toolbar, Tools and Context Toolbar back to their default settings. This option is also available in Preferences > Misc > Reset User Defaults.

Don’t Restore Windows and Documents
This is normally used to stop the app from trying to restore a previous document that closed unexpectedly.

Reset Studio
This resets all panels in the Studio back to their default positions. This is the same as View > Studio > Reset

Reset Object Styles
This will delete any custom styles added to the Styles Panel. This option is also available in Preferences > Misc > Reset Object Styles

These settings are stored in objectstyles.propcol and can also be exported from Styles Panel.

Reset Text Styles
This will delete any Text Styles you've saved as default within the app.

These settings are stored in text_styles.dat (  If you have no custom presets this file will not exist )

Reset Snapping Options Presets
This will delete any custom presets made within Snapping.

These settings are stored in: snapping_options.dat  If you have no custom presets this file will not exist )

Reset Visibility Options
This will reset any options selected from the View menu, such as Show Bleed, Show Margins etc.

These settings are stored in: visibility_options.dat  If you have no custom presets this file will not exist )

Reset Fills
This will delete any Application Palettes you've added to the Swatches Panel. It will also delete any colours added to the default palettes such as Grey, Colours & Gradients. This option is also available in Preferences > Misc > Reset Fills.

These settings are stored in fills.propcol and can be exported from the Swatches Panel

Reset Brushes
This will delete any brushes imported into the app and will reset all brushes within the app back to their default settings. This option is also available in Preferences > Misc > Reset Brushes.

These settings are stored in raster_brushes.propcol and can be exported from the Brushes Panel

Reset Font Replacements
This will delete font replacements specified when opening files that contain fonts that are not installed. Replacement fonts are automatically selected the next time you open a file missing the same font.

These settings are stored in: font_map.dat  If you have no font replacements this file will not exist )

Please note: This is different from Preferences > Misc > Reset Fonts. This option forces Affinity to Reload/Repopulate fonts listed in the app. This can be useful when using 3rd Party apps to load fonts.

Reset Keyboard Shortcuts
This will delete any custom keyboard shortcuts you've created or modified. You will need to export these by going to Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts > Save before resetting.

Reset Assets
This will delete any assets you've created within the Assets Panel.

These settings are stored in assets.propcol and can also be exported from the Assets Panel.

Reset Tool Presets
This will delete any custom presets you've created within tools such as the Crop tool.

These settings are stored in tool_settings.propcol and can also be exported from the specific tool's Preset Manager window.

Reset Grid Presets
This will delete any custom presets made within the Grid and Axis Manager.

These settings are stored in grid_presets.propcol and can also be exported from the Grid and Axis' Preset Manager window.

Reset Document Presets
This will delete any custom presets made with the New Document window.

These settings are stored in doc_spread_presets.propcol


Affinity Photo User Defaults:

Reset Adjustments 
This will delete any custom presets found in the Adjustment Panel. These are created from Adjustments layers. 

These settings are stored in: adjustments.propcol

Reset Macro Library
This will delete any custom Macros added to the Library Panel.

These settings are stored in: macros.propcol and can also be exported from the Library Panel.

Reset Develop Presets
This will delete any custom presets saved in the Basic, Lens, Details, Tones and Overlays Panels in the Develop Persona.

These settings are stored in: develop.propcol

Reset Tone Map Presets
This will delete any custom presets added within the Tone Mapping Persona.

These settings are stored in: tone_map.propcol and can also be exported from the Tone Mapping Persona.


Affinity Publisher User Defaults:

Reset Filler Text
This will delete any custom filler text added in Preferences > Filler TextThere is also an option to perform a Factory Reset in this window too.

These settings are stored in: filler_text.propcol

Reset AutoCorrect
This will reset any options selected or unselected in Preferences > Auto Correct. It will also reset any changes made to words that have been removed or replaced.

These settings are stored in two separate files: autocorrect_config.dat (  If you've not made any changes to the Auto Correct options, this file will not exist ) & autocorrect.propcol

Reset Abbreviation
This will reset any Abbreviations removed or added in Preferences > Abbreviations.

These settings are stored in: abbrevations.propcol

Reset Title Exceptions
This will reset any Title Exceptions removed or added in Preferences > Title Exceptions.

These settings are stored in: title_exceptions.propcol

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