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Copying images from clipboard

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If I set up a document to be "Prefer linked", then pasting multiple saved images from the clipboard can cause issues. I sometimes (not always) get a message saying the link has changed. Images pasted from the clipboard should really be always embedded I think. At the moment, when the image is pasted it seems to be establishing a link between the clipboard and the image and its not happy when that clipboard source is changed. I know the linking and embedding feature is a work in progress so hopefully this can be improved.

Windows 10 Pro, I5 3.3G PC 16G RAM

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I've saved some google images (right click, copy) and this is what I get. I have just repeated the process and all the images were embedded so it seems to be in intermittent problem.


Windows 10 Pro, I5 3.3G PC 16G RAM

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I'm interested in what makes it intermittent, from what I can see so far they always come in as embedded tiffs from the clipboard. Do you have a clipboard manager or anything similar?

Serif Europe Ltd. - www.serif.com

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