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Color me confused.

1. When I choose from the Grey swatches, I choose Black 30% and I get a light grey. This is as expected.

2. Then if I use the Colour panel switch it to Greyscale mode, the same percentage works the opposite way. 30% gives me a dark grey. This is not how I would expect it to work.

3. On top of that, if I click on a color swatch to change something like text color or stroke and fill color for a table, the term is changed to say Greyness.

In my opinion, the only thing that's right here is #1. What's wrong about #2 is that the slider says Grey but really it's black, and when you drag the slider to 100% you're not getting 100% black or even 100% grey, you are getting 0%, or rather white.

Screen Shot 2019-07-11 at 7.33.30 PM.png

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Hi Jeremy Bohn :)

11 hours ago, Jeremy Bohn said:

Color me confused.

I'll allow it, but I don't like it...

11 hours ago, Jeremy Bohn said:

Then if I use the Colour panel switch it to Greyscale mode, the same percentage works the opposite way. 30% gives me a dark grey. This is not how I would expect it to work.

This is a bug that has been reported previously, I'll bump the development log with your thread now!

11 hours ago, Jeremy Bohn said:

if I click on a color swatch to change something like text color or stroke and fill color for a table, the term is changed to say Greyness

Thanks for letting me know, I'm not certain why these have different titles, I've logged this with our developers for a fix :)

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