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Error - Exporting to PDF (option 'left' is too small)

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Using the scripts that Dan provided for turning on debugging the pdflib, I was able to figure out what is causing my Export to PDF error. The problem was:


PDF_create_action(p_0x000001E150645590, "GoTo", "destination {page 63 type fixed left -427.09509 top 758.509355}")
[Last exception 1416 in PDF_create_action]["Value -427.09509 for option 'left' is too small (minimum 0)"]

I traced this to a hyperlink to an anchor on page 17 of my document going to page 69. I removed the hyperlink and tried to export again. Then, I also need to remove a second hyperlink on the same page:


DF_create_action(p_0x000001E13973FD20, "GoTo", "destination {page 69 type fixed left -454.623333 top 758.206293}")
[Last exception 1416 in PDF_create_action]["Value -454.623333 for option 'left' is too small (minimum 0)"]

When I removed both hyperlinks on page 17, everything exported. However, I need these hyperlinks on page 17 and I don't know why the "left" value is less than 0. Both hyperlink text are just phrases within the text frame on the page. There's nothing different than any of the hyperlinks on prior pages that work.

Both of these exception occur on pg 17, going to page 63 and page 69.




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Okay. I found the exact problem and a workaround.


Using the pdflib log files, I found the pages that the problem anchors were located on. Then I deleted the anchors and recreated them (I moved them over a word or changed its starting position to the second word instead of first word) and now they work. Most of the anchors were the very first text on the page which had wrapped around from the previous page on a page-break. However, there were a few problem anchors in the middle of the page as well.

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  • Staff

Hi Jim,

Glad you got to the bottom of the issue, are you able to attach the document in the state where it didn't export? I'm aware of some issues with hyperlinks failing to export when placed off the edge of a page, but not actually causing the file to fail to export.

If you can upload it here.


Serif Europe Ltd. - www.serif.com

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29 minutes ago, Jon P said:

Hi Jim,

Glad you got to the bottom of the issue, are you able to attach the document in the state where it didn't export? I'm aware of some issues with hyperlinks failing to export when placed off the edge of a page, but not actually causing the file to fail to export.

If you can upload it here.



Uploaded afpub and log file.

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