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I am having a lot of problems working with tables.

1) The cell borders do not show if frame stroke is set to none so it is difficult to see where you are in the table.  It should be possible to show the cell outline without setting a frame stroke.

2) Sometimes when drag the column border to set the width manually, it goes to zero width and the programme crashes.

3) Copy and paste to multiple cells does not work.  If I copy the contents of one cell and then select a number of cells and paste, the contents are only copied into the first selected cell.

4) There appears to be no way to 'autofill' cells.

5) The are no basic mathematical functions available.

Please can someone spend a bit of time sorting tables out and adding a bit more basic functionality!!

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3 hours ago, riball said:

1) The cell borders do not show if frame stroke is set to none so it is difficult to see where you are in the table.  It should be possible to show the cell outline without setting a frame stroke.


I agree with riball in that it would be very useful if the outlines of the table cells were still visible in edit mode.

Kind regards

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13 hours ago, riball said:

1) The cell borders do not show if frame stroke is set to none so it is difficult to see where you are in the table.  It should be possible to show the cell outline without setting a frame stroke. 


For now, as a quick workaround, switching on Text > Show Special Characters can help identify the cell locations when the frame stroke is switched off

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