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Export of invisible layers

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As far as I can remember, in 1.6, it used to be the case that I would create a slice from a layer in the export persona, and then set the layer invisible. This would still cause the layer to export as intended but it will be hidden in the viewport.

Now, in 1.7, it seems almost identical in behavior but the exported layer is completely transparent (but still sized correctly). The slice preview in the slices panel, however, looks fine.

Please, if possible, bring the old functionality back!

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Hi leshido,

Thanks for letting us know. That is the purpose of the icon next to the eye in the Export Persona's Layers Panel it allows you to decide whether the layer is exportable or not (even though it is hidden). I will get this passed on to development.

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Thanks @Sean P ,

I am aware of the icon next to the eye in the Layers panel, however currently these two icons seem to have largely the same functionality, and both cause the exported layer to behave as if the layer had 0% opacity when exported.

So just to verify, you are considering this as a bug, right? It should be possible to export a hidden layer?

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