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My problem with text in PDF imports into APub persists in this latest beta version ( when importing a PDF with graphics and a text box into APub (PDF was made via ADesigner). As you see in my examples, often the text is not rendered correctly when importing the AD-made PDF into APub. The AD-PDF is perfect but the text become a problem when imported into APub. The first snap below is an example of the text *after* imported into APub. The second is the AD-PDF stand alone before importing.

Screen Shot 2019-06-12 at 2.58.19 PM.png

Screen Shot 2019-06-12 at 2.58.01 PM.png

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Thanks for the wise advice, Gabe. I did not realize that (like in Illustrator) I could drop an AD file into APub. I have waited until today's release of APub to try this, and it worked beautifully ... and so fast. Great news for me to avoid the PDF creation via AD and then imported into APub. If you still want to see the PDF created in AD, I'll be glad to send it. BTW, as I mentioned, the PDF via AD looks perfect until see as an import into APub.

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