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Serif Raw engine color shift for Sony .SRF files

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Raw files from Sony DSC-F828 camera appear to have weird colors using the Serif raw engine in Photos 1.7.0 and seem even weirder if the Develop Assistant applies a tone Curve. White balance adjustments in Photo help a bit but cannot correct the problem.

Raw files from Sony DSC-F828 camera are OK using the Apple raw engine in Photos with or without the tone Curve. Attached files are the original camera raw file, an exported JPEG file from the Serif raw engine with no tone curve and another with the tone curve applied by the Develop Assistant. No other adjustments. Ditto for the Apple raw engine, for comparison.






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  • 2 weeks later...

I have got the same problem with the Serif engine and DNG files. It just looks yellow with me, the Blue channel seems to be missing on my version. When I switch it to the Apple engine it appears fine, but then I can't do the lens correction etc, so that is quite disappointing at the moment. 


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  • Staff

Hi @Vulcan
This should now be working correctly in the latest Mac App Store version 1.7.1 (build 142) - no more colour shifts with .srf files.

Hi @GRSJeremy,
Are those DNG's being converted/generated from the .srf files, or are you referring to DNG files in general? Are you running the latest Affinity Photo version (1.7.1)? Do you mind attaching one or two sample DNG files where these problems occur please? Thank you.

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Hi Meb, I think Callum has already logged this, it’s a strange one as the file is fine on Windows with the same Serif engine :)

5 hours ago, MEB said:

Hi @GRSJeremy,
Are those DNG's being converted/generated from the .srf files, or are you referring to DNG files in general? Are you running the latest Affinity Photo version (1.7.1)? Do you mind attaching one or two sample DNG files where these problems occur please? Thank you.

There is a copy of the DNG in this thread. I am on 1.7.1 and the yellow tint is there on the Mac

On 6/17/2019 at 11:19 AM, Callum said:

Hi GRSJeremy,

Welcome to the forums :)

Please could you try what Murfee has suggested and if that doesn't work could you provide the file in question? This will allow me to look into this further with you.




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