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Export in lower resolution - so much blur

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Hi, my regular task is exporting image in lower resolution. And Affinity photo produce so much blur on photo compare with photoshop.

So I work with 1372 x 1035 canvas in 144 DPI. And I need 516 x 389 image as result. 

So I experiment with resamling and dpi. No result. Much blur.

The solution is in this video: 

but I need to do so much actions to just reduce the blur when export in lower resolution. 


More Over Affinity doesn't save my export size and I need write sizes manually every time I export.

In Addition, Affinity has not convenient slider with percents, so I need to enter and calculating manually. 



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That is curious... usually lowering the resolution of an image sharpens it rather than blurs it, just by nature of there being fewer pixels.

I just tried this with a few pictures and the only way I see this a being blurry is if I resize the picture so small that my zoom level is > 100%, at which point the blurriness is an artifact of viewing the image larger than the resolution of the image supports.  Are you sure that's not what is happening here?  516x389 is very small on a modern display...


You can get percentages by typing them into the size boxes after selecting Document -> Resize Document (instead of typing in "516" try typing in "50%" then switch to another field).

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7 hours ago, fde101 said:

You can get percentages by typing them into the size boxes after selecting Document -> Resize Document (instead of typing in "516" try typing in "50%" then switch to another field).

I need to edit in big resolution. And I need only change size when export. 


Are you sure that's not what is happening here?  516x389 is very small on a modern display

Absolutely. Photoshop produce more sharpen result.

Such resolution is a requirement of 3rd party. I cannot influence this.

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1 minute ago, andrewio said:

But in PS I no need type any symbol yet.

Affinity Photo is not Photoshop.

Note that if you unlink the Height and Width in Affinity Photo, you can scale the height and width independently by percentage, by typing different percentage values into the two separate fields - something that is not possible using the Photoshop interface.

That said, providing faster access to common values by putting a popup menu next to the fields, or even a line of buttons underneath (25%, 50%, 75%, 100%), might not be a bad suggestion for a future improvement.

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19 hours ago, MEB said:

Hi andrewio,
Welcome to Affinity Forums :)
Have you changed the Resample algorithm when exporting the image? By default Affinity Photo uses Bilinear, try with Bicubic or Lanczos 3 (separable). You can find them in the Resample dropdown in the Export dialog.

I've tested all Resample algorithms before write here.  

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If you are resampling the image you should get different outputs - with Lanczos 3 (non-separable) giving the sharpest results (probably a little too much depending on the image). Do you mind attaching the file (or a sample) you are trying to resample/export so we can start/check from the same base for comparisons - maybe there's some issue somewhere. Thanks.

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