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Zooming In On Selected Objects

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Got an email today informing me that Publisher is being released on the 19th of june! And with a discount for beta users! That's really great news! Adobe InDesign is soon history for my part!

I have one question though. When zooming in on a selected object, in InDesign I am used to that the object selected is centered as I zoom in and out. I can't find any way to do this in Publisher. Am I missing something or is it not implemented at this point? In the latter case this should be an obvious addition to an otherwise excellent program.

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Thanks for your suggestions. Unfortunately Space+Command conflicted with the command for activating Siri on my mac but I have changed that to Option+Space instead. This again conflicted with a Paste utility I am using. Command+Shift+0 also works but zooms all the way in making the object selected fill the screen. It would have been much more convenient to select the object with Command+Click and then using Command + "+" and "-" to zoom in centered on the object, just like in InDesign!

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