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Hey there I've been using Drawplus for 6 years and now want to try Affinity.  I installed the most recent version this morning.

So far it seems similar to X8 but am having trouble finding where to find fonts.  Do we have to load them from another source?  I only see a few font options.

Another feature I used extensively in drawplus was the STYLES feature.  How can I get all of what X8 had to offer, but into Affinity?   Seems to be a lot missing from this feature.   I.e. the glass feature in X8 had about 20 different selections from whereas Affinity only has 1.  That's just one category, the other categories such as metallic are equally devoid of selections.  In fact most of the categories from x8 aren't showing up in Affinity at all.

I also can't seem to find how to crop shapes and images which was located in the ARRANGE feature in X8.   I.e.  crop to bottom or top, or clip to bottom or top.   

I think I can figure everything else out.   Any help is greatly appreciated.  :)


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13 minutes ago, digiart350 said:

So far it seems similar to X8 but am having trouble finding where to find fonts.  Do we have to load them from another source?  I only see a few font options.

Like DrawPlus, Affinity Designer uses whatever TrueType, OpenType or PostScript Type 1 fonts you have installed on your system. Unlike DP, Designer doesn’t ship with any fonts.

13 minutes ago, digiart350 said:

I also can't seem to find how to crop shapes and images which was located in the ARRANGE feature in X8.   I.e.  crop to bottom or top, or clip to bottom or top.

Clipping/nesting and cropping/masking are achieved via the Layers panel.


Alfred spacer.png
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for Windows • Windows 10 Home/Pro
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for iPad • iPadOS 17.5.1 (iPad 7th gen)

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18 minutes ago, digiart350 said:

Another feature I used extensively in drawplus was the STYLES feature.  How can I get all of what X8 had to offer, but into Affinity?

There isn't a quick and easy way to do this.  But it is possible as outlined on this post :) 

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Thank you very much for the replies.  It's extremely unfortunate to have so much missing.  I mainly work on military aviation and rely heavily on those features.  Already have a large workload backing up, which means I don't have time to recreate the missing features I already have available in X8.  Perhaps later iterations of AD will include them.   Thanks again. 

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