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Click here to download the latest beta

Status: Customer Beta
Purpose: Features, Improvements, Fixes
Requirements: A valid product key (for Affinity Store purchases), or an installation of the full retail version from the Microsoft Store

As this is a beta it is considered to be not suitable for production use. This means that you should not attempt to use it for commercial purposes or for any other activity that may be adversely affected by the application failing, including the total loss of any documents. 

We hope you enjoy the latest build, and as always, if you've got any problems, please don't hesitate to post a new thread in this forum and we'll get back to you as soon as we can. Thanks once again for your continued feedback. To be notified when there is a new beta please press follow on this announcment thread

If you have a general question about the software, please head over to the Questions Forum, or if you have any suggestions, please head over to the Feature Requests forum.


  • Added colour flyout button on the context toolbar for gradient nodes
  • Fixed crash when embedding documents (or placing images)
  • Fixed colour picker showing object bounding box 
  • Fixed Cycle Grid Planes not immediately updating the view
  • Fixed HSL Layer adjustment crash
  • Fixed Channel Mixer double clicking the red channel slider resets the value to 0% instead of 100% 
  • Fixed clicking Reset in most Adjustment dialogs changes Opacity to 0% 
  • Fixed Brightness / Contrast Adjustment, double clicking Contrast slider resets to 1% instead of 0% 
  • Fixed crash when doing File | Open when the last path is no longer valid (e.g. pulling out a USB stick or network drop)
  • Fixed create in plane now works with create-along-axis
  • Fixed create in plane with create-about-centre
  • Fixed Keyboard Shortcuts Decrease/Increase Brush Size shortcuts only affecting the selected tool
  • Fixed Customise Tools fails to drop tools in certain areas
  • Fixed Imported Styles don't appear until you restart or add a new category 
  • Fixed temporary files not being cleared properly on shutdown (causing prompts to save or discard on subsequent app runs) 
  • Fixed duplicate history items when nudging objects 
  • Fixed raster brushes not resetting in brush edit window 
  • Fixed clipping in the Print dialog when set to Italian 
  • Added slight padding on right of Layers panel checkbox
  • Changed file recovery dialog to let you quit the app, and added a 'No' option 
  • Fixed translation failures when strings contain line breaks 
  • Fixed TIFF compression option
  • Fixed Clear all shortcuts clears the Backspace button and prevents it being re-assigned  
  • Fixed colour picker for Pencil, VectorBrush, Fill and Shape tools (now also correctly applies the colour to the selection fill)
  • Fixed Assets panel new category when empty causing sub-category duplication issues
  • Fixed Assets panel creating a new category with existing categories does not show the sub-category until it is reselected
  • Fixed Assets panel sub-categories are not removed if final remaining parent category is removed
  • Added crosshair and ability to constraint in X (using SHIFT modifier) in Curves Adjustment
  • Fixed Group thumbnails to stay small size regardless of Small, Medium, Large settings
  • Renamed Blend mode "Pass Through" to "Passthrough" (to match macOS)
  • Fixed Live filter blend modes don't clear previews on mouse exit
  • Fixed tabbing to the BlendMode combo with they keyboard on the Unsharp Mask filter and then using the down arrow key selects an invalid separator blend mode entry
  • Fixed Adjustments/Filter dialogs tab to next input box loses focus release notes

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