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Baseline grid wrecking headers and footers etc

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When enabling baseline grid, all my carefully laid out headers, footers and titles are thrown way out. 

Is there a way to avoid this?

Can I restrict baseline grid behaviors to the text columns alone and leave headers and footers unaffected?

If I apply it to the top margin the footers are still affected.

It also changes the body style, opening up huge spaces between paragraphs.


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Sorry - I'm not getting this.

When I turn it on it is only acting on one frame at a time. 

I want to apply it to all linked frames.

When I adjust the grid spacing it seems to alternately shrink and expand the spacing, not move only in one direction as you would expect.

Again, a video walkthrough would be helpful. 

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Hopefully all of your text is formatted with Text Styles? Yes? Turn on Baseline Grid, set it up as you like and define which Paragraph Style should or should NOT align to Baseline Grid. The difference between Baseline Grid for the page and Baseline Grid for the text frame is, that each text frame can have its own Baseline Grid. Basically the latter is nothing I missed so far, but nice to have.

Is it that what you meant?

Windows 10 | i5-8500 CPU | Intel UHD 630 Graphics | 32 GB RAM | Latest Retail and Beta versions of complete Affinity range installed

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