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Posted (edited)

I use the trebuchet font a lot.  On screen it looks correct. However, when printed, the font appears wider than normal and the letter spacing runs together.

Treb bad.jpg

Treb Good.jpg

Edited by JPSports
add examples

What does it look like if you export to PDF?

Alfred spacer.png
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for Windows • Windows 10 Home/Pro
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for iPad • iPadOS 17.5.1 (iPad 7th gen)


it turns out ok if I export to pdf. I noticed a lot of arial type fonts have this issue. It does not happen if I use MS's Segui arial type font.


4 minutes ago, JPSports said:

it turns out ok if I export to pdf

If it prints OK from your PDF viewer, that’s the best way forward. It’s a useful workflow anyway, since it allows you to inspect the output without wasting expensive ink/toner and paper.

Alfred spacer.png
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for Windows • Windows 10 Home/Pro
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for iPad • iPadOS 17.5.1 (iPad 7th gen)


Can you supply a document to test?

And what do you mean by "a lot of arial type fonts" - what other specific fonts have you tested and seen the same issue?

What specific versions of the fonts have you tested?
Are you using Windows 10?



Yes windows 10... should NOT have to export to pdf and print. An extra step not needed in workflow. I often print copies or do work for clients that I print out without using a pdf. I do know there is a pdf issue tho with fonts.

I previously stated that I get a pdf from the Air Force Reserve and the fonts get jumbled  when viewed in the program and the same when printed..

I have to import the pdf in adobe indesign and then export out in a new file name to wok correctly. I also have two other pdf problems on pdfs I get from clients.

Hopefully this will be noted and fixed.

I will list arial type fonts in next post.


I am enclosing two pdf I have problems with

Air Force Ad 2018.pdf


I am just not seeing this issue with these documents.

I downloaded all the files.
Printed your two sample pub files to images.
Compared onscreen, to printed images, to PDF output.

I am not seeing the crowding like in your first image above.

I wish you had included the actual file you used to create the first image above.
Without that original file and those columns of text we cannot really replicate the test.

What you may be experiencing is some issues with your particular graphics card & drivers.
Some LibreOffice users have had similar odd text display issues.
Sometimes updating the graphics drivers fixed the problem.

Perhaps some other users can also test and we may see some other ideas/solutions.


Decided to take a quick look at the fonts you posted ...

The Trebuchet fonts you posted above are really old.
For example the Trebuchet Regular font is v1.23 from 2001.
You said you are using Windows 10.
The current Win10 Trebuchet Regular font is v5.15 from 2017.

Check your fonts directory to see if you have some old and/or duplicate font files installed.
You will need to use a tool to see the actual font files, not the Windows fonts interface.

This may or may not be the issue.
But regardless you should only be using the most current fonts.


  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you I will do that. I just did a reinstall of win10 two months ago so not sure why they show up old.

Also why would there be an issue with affinity publisher if NO OTHER PROGRAM has that same problem? 

Word, Excel, InDesign, PagePlus, etc?(Indesigt CC is the latest as are the MS programs. They all print correctly and if I export to pdf, the affinty file prints as intended.

THANK YOU for your response. It is frustrating because when I used to do beta testing for PP, I was often told it was my problem. But it wound up a PP problem whenever I had an issue. 


My feeling is there is an affinity problem because it is the only program that does this behavior. Just like the PDF import issue that I have with pdf files that use embedded fonts


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