LenC Posted February 21, 2019 Posted February 21, 2019 I was unable to launch AP 1.7.106 beta last year and discussed the problem with a moderator on November 16, 2018, but no solution was posted. Yesterday I was encouraged by carl123 in an unrelated thread to raise the issue again in hope of aiding beta development. I have not tried again with a more recent build but will if it is thought possibly informative. Here is what happens, back then and now. My bought AP 1.6.7 and 1.7.106 beta sit side by side in my default Applications folder under my user directory (image). Clicking to launch the beta gives the hopping Dock icon and after a while the error message that appears when the apps are in the wrong place (image). I get out of there with cmd-Q or Force Quit. Hardware: My computer is a 2012 Mac Mini with memory increased to 8 GB. It works ok for my needs, though it has, especially with recent OS updates, taken to running very slowly, with the spinning beach ball often taking over for tens of seconds or even minutes. I use Force Quit a lot, though these delays usually resolve if left alone for a few minutes. Activity Monitor offers no useful clues. Sometimes AP fails to function, e.g., recently macros stopped working but worked on relaunch. Sometimes AP locks up completely, but not often. Software: please ask. AP 1.7.3, MacOS 10.14.6 (usually latest of each, but not going to Catalina until more issues are resolved) Mac Mini, Late 2012, 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5, 8 GB; HD replaced with SSD
LenC Posted February 22, 2019 Author Posted February 22, 2019 For the benefit of the Serif AP beta development team, I will try to describe the strange trip on the way to a successful launch of AP 1.7.110 on my desktop Mac. A couple of days ago I downloaded a macro offered by an advanced member that, it turned out, would not run in AP 1.6.7 because it had been created in a beta build. This .afmacros file when downloaded displayed the square beta logo rather than the triangular one before the file name. Shortly thereafter, practically all my existing .afphoto files (created in production versions) changed to display the beta logo in Finder or in other windows (e.g., Open). (Cause and effect presumed, not proven.) Attempting to address what I presumed was a faulty icon look-up, I removed the old beta app (1.7.106), using AppCleaner to remove auxiliary files. After that, most though not all of the square logos were replaced by the appropriate triangular ones. I then installed 1.7.110, but it would not launch, with error window exactly as before. I then decided to try to reinstall 1.6.7, though I did not remove it. At the Apple App Store, there was an icon suggesting to download from the cloud, but clicking it did not start a download. Then I clicked the square-in-circle icon that is usually a download progress indicator. This initiated an unfamiliar response from my Launchpad Dock icon that appeared to show downloading, though nothing appeared in my Downloads folder. When done, I clicked the beta icon in Launchpad, and the beta launched successfully. I still have something of a mix of production and beta icons in my directories, though it appears that the betas are gradually (mostly!) being replaced. Chris B 1 AP 1.7.3, MacOS 10.14.6 (usually latest of each, but not going to Catalina until more issues are resolved) Mac Mini, Late 2012, 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5, 8 GB; HD replaced with SSD
Staff Chris B Posted February 26, 2019 Staff Posted February 26, 2019 Hi LenC, Thank you for coming back with the update. Apologies we didn't get to you sooner. How to format a bug report | Learning Resources | List of V2 FAQs | YouTube Tutorials
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