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Text Appears Outside Text Box

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    I'm suddenly finding that when I create a new text box the first line of text appears just above the text box with a font that appears a lot smaller although the font size that shows up in the toolbar is what I normally use (Arial 12pt). I'm not sure if this a bug or I've inadvertently changed the setting somewhere but I can't seem to find a solution.

On the other hand unlinking text boxes seems easier or I may have just got used to it.

I'd appreciate any help.


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The first issue is a misconfiguation of text/paragraph attributes, which persist, until you reset the styles (= icon in the upper control bar).

The second issue: You confused the resize handles of the text box: The inner handle bottom right of the text box resizes the Box, the outer handle resizes box and content.

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Thank you for your reply. It must be something to do with the styles as this occurred after the last update. My work around is to copy and paste text from an existing (pre update) text box into a text box I've just created and then that seems to reset the text in the new text box. 

In the past I was confused regarding the resize handles until someone on the forum explained the difference between the handles and I've been careful about this ever since.

However I'm not sure how to reset the styles. Can you be more specific about which icon I need to click on? 

Thanks again.

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Could you be a little bit more specific?

If this „red squiggly line“ is, what I think you mean, it is the well known system feature of spelling correction.

To avoid this:

Make sure, that your text is set to the correct language (panel: character/language)

Look, into menu „Text/Spelling“, where you can switch off „Check Spelling While Typing“.

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Thanks, I've (partially) solved this. Yes you were correct the red wavy line was spelling correction. However I was just seeing that with no text. Somehow Styles must have set to something else where the text wasn't visible to me when I pressed the re set icon the text then became visible. Hopefully I now know what to do.

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