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Writing HEIC format planned?

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I'm aware that the Beta now (finally) is able to read Apples HEIC format (i.e. photos taken with newer iPhones). However, it seems not to be able to write that format. When I want to save a file opened via the Apple Photo extension in AP beta, it suggests saving it as JPEG. Which makes it useless as an extension, because it would need to replace the original HEIC file.

Any plans in amending that in AP 1.7?


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That makes AP quite useless as an extension to Apple's Photos app. Photoshop works like this: On "Edit with PS" in Apple Photos, it converts the HEIC to TIFF which can than be worked with in PS. On closing it there, it write a HEIC again for Apple's Photos app. So you can use PS with HEIC files from Photos in a roundtrip fashion. But you can't with AP.

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