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I don't know if the problem was ever discussed on the forum, I didn't find a similar topic.

After deforming a shape with a transform box, brushes in "vector persona" mode are rendered incorrectly.

See attachment for three examples:
1. draw an oval and define a brush -> everything ok.
2. draw a circle, define a brush and deform to an oval with a transform box -> distorted brush 
3. draw a circle, define a brush, deform to an oval using the "transform box", select the "scale with object" option -> almost ok but still not correct.

The problem does not occur when we manually move nodes to distort the object.


  • Staff

Hi @Maciek Blaźniak,

Welcome to the forums. 

Have you got the exact same number of points in all the 3 examples? 

Your second example is perfectly expected. You're transforming an object without scaling the texture.  




Hi! Yes, same number of points - 4.

It might actually be intended by developers, but it seems to me that the brushes should never be distorted. Deforming brushes is like deforming fonts ;)

Then maybe in addition to the 'scale with object' (=resize stroke size) option an additional 'transform with object' (=deform brush) option would be useful? Anyone?

Apart from that, the third example is a completely random behavior for me.

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