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  • 2 months later...

That would be really very nice to have. Isn't it possible neither to just copy and paste character/paragraph style, like you'd normally do with cmd+alt(+shift sometimes)+C/V on a Mac?

It isn't possible to do it like that with a bluetooth keyboard, just tried. And also tried pasting the text I want formatted directly after some text with the right format, which might make it adapt from it I thought, but no it doesn't. Seems there's no workaround, but to do it manually, step by step by step. Each single time. Wah :(

  • 2 months later...

This is the only feature that makes me worry my workflow will be too slow on affinity ipad. I feel it's a crucial feature that's missing. 

  • 1 year later...

I’m very new to Designer and working on an iPad Pro. I’m really impressed with Designer, but I’ve been looking for this feature but haven’t been able to find it. I’m assuming it hasn’t yet been added. This would seem to be the one glaring omission from an otherwise remarkable product. (Or am I missing something?)

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