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Still no webp export and optimization

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I hope webp is finally implemented soon in Affinity. We use is for every website and need other applications now to work with webp.

Besides the fact that the most popular browser in the world is using webp (Chrome) more browsers are coming along with the implementation, so it's about time (I hope!).


The webp code is here to use for developing in Afinity:

API for the WebP Codec

The WebP team has provided an extensive API to allow developers to add support to their applications, including browsers, image editing tools as well as native applications.

Consult the API documentation for a description of libwebp application programming interface.

Regards & Thanks,


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  • 3 weeks later...

Agreed. Up till this day I am still surprised (and somewhat shocked) to see the lack of webp export in Affinity. In my mind it makes very little sense NOT to have it, in particular keeping in mind that Affinity is a modern application. I had expected to see this supported in v1.7... Alas! It was not meant to be.

What can one do? Let's hope it is implemented by the time v2.0 surfaces in a year or two. In the meantime we are reliant on external tools such as Color Quantizer to finish the job.

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