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Vector brush tool width attributes are different than node tool width attributes for same curve...?

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I'm confused about why a curve shows to different line widths depending which tool is selected. I am using a custom vector brush, whose width I have set to a 100px. If I switch to the node tool or move tool, the width of the stroke changes to 24px. Why don't all tools display the same width for the same curve? I can imagine this would get confusing when deciding to edit the width of an existing stroke -- not sure whether to edit it in the vector brush properties menu or the context menu for node or move tool...? Why would the same stroke show having different widths, depending on which tool you are in?

Any helpful explanation would be much appreciated, as well as where one should change the width so as not to have problems or for easiest/best workflow.



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Hi Erica,

I suspect what is happening the Document units are set to Pixels and Stroke displays in Points.  If i set my brush to use 100px and check the Stroke panel, the size is reported as 24pt and not 100 pixels. 

If you go into Preferences>User Interface and uncheck 'Show Lines In Points' You should then find the size reported in the stroke panel is now 100 Pixels and not 24 pt :) 

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