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Intersecting selections with modifier

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28 minutes ago, GabrielM said:

Hi @Shivadas,

You can use the on-screen buttons for this: 



That is slow. One should hook up Modifiers and context sensitive RMB menu entries for selections as well. The current concentration on the context toolbar only supports the fraction of Affinity users that likes to run a program visually. For users with other preferences it's rather disappointing – Affinity literally hasn't clicked with me yet.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi! Another confusing thing is modifiers to add or subtract work differently in polygonal than freehand:

in freehand when you start selecting with eg "alt" down, it will always remove.
with poligonal, I have to remember to hold alt at the end. If it were consistent, either one of them would be fine to me!
Of course the freehand selection version is closer to the standard of eg. Adobe

@Affinity Photo for Mac any changes coming in next release regarding this?

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