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I have to import two pdf files every week for a bulletin. When I do the file in Publisher has been changed - I am guessing because the pdf has a different font than my system. I am able to do this in QuarkXPress, Corel Dray and Page Plus with out the distortion so I am not sure what I need to do in Publisher or if it will be something fixed in upcoming versions but wanted to report it. I have to convert the pdf to an image as a workaround but it does not print as nicely as the pdf. Thanks


Also - do you know if there is a place to choose font substitutions? I went to font manager and there was no font listed that looks like the original "times" type font (serif) to choose to make a default choice. All the fonts listed were sans serif or funky ones I use for kids stuff. thanks


YEP - I get the complexity and appreciate it. I have the work around so I can use that.  To be quite honest even in this somewhat Raw stage it is so much nicer to use than QuarkXPress which is what I have to use since as it is  the next affordable program for using on both PC and Mac. Not slamming QX it just thinks different than me.

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16 hours ago, undercovergypsy said:

Also - do you know if there is a place to choose font substitutions? I went to font manager and there was no font listed that looks like the original "times" type font (serif) to choose to make a default choice. All the fonts listed were sans serif or funky ones I use for kids stuff. thanks

When you open a PDF (using File ▸ Open, not Place) Affinity should display a PDF Options dialog where you can select replacement/substitution fonts. To manage substitutions in an opened document use the Font Manager (menu Document ▸ Font Manager...) - the fonts listed there are the ones installed on your system and available for all apps. If you don't have a particular font you have to install it on your computer for it to become available to all apps.

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