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Designer - jagged/banding gradients

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in Designer I used the layer effects '3D' and 'Bevel'. The gradients generated by those effects appear to be jaggered - see screenshots below.

How can I get a smooth gradient within the beveled parts?

I need to use a CMYK color profile and tried even several color formats like sRGB 16bit but with no success to get rid of the jaggered gradients.

Thanks for any help

Regard - Ron




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Hi reglico,

thanks for your answer. I tried the Soften parameter but this does'nt clen the jaggered surface but softens the crisp and sharp edges that I am after. 

So - Soften is cleaning the surfaces only enough with higher numbers but then the sharp edges are gone :-(

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I did a test by duplicating the letter, the lower letter having "Soften" applied and the upper letter not. By playing with opacity and mixing I got this (screenshot).
The result is far from perfect and you will certainly get a simpler solution with someone else!


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9 minutes ago, reglico said:

I did a test by duplicating the letter, the lower letter having "Soften" applied and the upper letter not. By playing with opacity and mixing I got this (screenshot).
The result is far from perfect and you will certainly get a simpler solution with someone else!


Thank you reglico!

I tried your work around and it helps to a certain distinct. If Dan isn't coming up with a perfect solution then I will go with this.

Thanks again - Ron

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This is happening because we don't apply dithering to layer fx, hence the banding is so visible, but it's logged with our developers as an improvement.

In the meantime, if using the soften option for the 3D effect produces an unwanted result then reglico is certainly on to something here, as my method was a similar mix of duplicated layers and blend modes :)

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Hi Dan,

in addition to the issue above I realized that scaling of elements with layer effects applied, those effects are not scaled properly even if the checkbox 'scale with object' is activated.

Does this work for you? Am I missing something here?

Hope to get this issue fixed soon :-)

Best - Ron

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On 10/15/2018 at 8:08 AM, RonCla said:

scaling of elements with layer effects applied, those effects are not scaled properly even if the checkbox 'scale with object' is activated.

This is a known bug if the layer FX are applied to the group, rather than the individual objects. I've used your file and applied the effects to the 2 curves within the group and removed the effects from the group and it scales correctly :)

EDIT: It also appears with your file that leaving the fx on the group, unchecking Scale with Object and rechecking it allows the fx to scale correctly without having to apply it manually to both curves, nevertheless I'll forward this file to our devs to investigate further!

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