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139 - - Fixed bleed for single page PDF export (doesn't look like it)

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The fixes in 139 for Bleed are looking better - great progress!!.... but the export issue remains.

Bleed guides are all good in canvas now which is great, but the first and last page of the PDF export are including an extra bleed distance making the pages larger (still).


1. Facing pages document, starting on right, 4 pages. 7" x 10", All bleeds : 0.125 EXCEPT - inner bleed set to 0.

2. Export to PDF, pages not spreads, with include bleeds set off - page sizes in PDF are 7" x 10" - correct

3. Export to PDF, pages not spreads, include bleeds set to ON. page 1 and 4 are 7.25" wide (INCORRECT - should be 7.125"), pages 2 and 3 are 7.125" wide (Correct)

All pages should be 7" + 0.125" outer bleed, and 0 inner bleed, regardless if they are in a spread or not.

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20 hours ago, Chris_K said:

Hi dorkboycomics

Thanks for raising this. As it's breaking it down to a single page it looks like it's applying the outer  bleed value instead. I shall get this passed over


Thanks so much, Chris_K, very much appreciated!!

This is the last piece of the puzzle with bleed handling as far as I can see - once this is taken care of it should resolve any issues with submitting PDFs to online print on demand services like Create Space, Lulu, etc. (Also, this is my primary need in Publisher....plenty of nice to haves I could list, but I can ditch InDesign with Bleeds/export working and the current set of tools barring any major bugs :) )

Thank you again, I'm incredibly impressed with Publisher and amazed with the work the team is doing - thank you so much!!


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