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Edit TOC style = crash

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I'll try to come up with a simple example for testing.

The steps I did are:

  1. Make a text box.
  2. Insert a table of contents (text really, really tiny, like .2px to start with)
  3. Click on newly exposed TOC style and select "edit"
  4. Boom!
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Ahhh! Try this.

1. Make a document with 4 or 5 pages. Put text on each for the TOC to find.

2. Now before inserting a TOC, go to the styles and select from the dropdown: "Detach and Delete All Styles":

(I'm doing this because I prefer to start from scratch with my styles, to keep it simple)


3. Then insert the TOC. On my setup the text is formatted as really, really tiny (0.2pt) text.


4. Use dropdown on TOC:Entry style to edit style.


5. Boom!

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