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Is there any documentation on file format?

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Since Publisher currently does not support merging I was wondering what sort of options we would have for a workaround? Is there any documentation of the format of afpub? I was thinking I could potentially write a tool to generate a file that would walk a data source, create elements, size them and place them on pages, then apply the appropriate master page to the page.  From there I could open it in Publisher and modify it appropriately.

Alternatively is there (or will there be) api or plugin support where we could develop such a plugin independently? 

I am developing a Card game and being able to merge from my content source database (or csv export) would make this a perfect product.

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It is very unlikely that the file format(s) of the Affinity Suite will ever be made public:


One of the key developers also provided technical reasons for this:


Hope that helps … :)


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