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Font problem with Figure Style Lining -

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Perhaps this is already fixed. Use a font with alternative figure styles, type some text like 12some text34 into a box, align everything to the right and suddenly the 4 is outside of the text box. This does not happen, when text is left aligned. Better described in the attached picture.


Windows 10 | i5-8500 CPU | Intel UHD 630 Graphics | 32 GB RAM | Latest Retail and Beta versions of complete Affinity range installed

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Perhaps the latest beta cured this?

In the font below, old style figures are the default, so I changed them to proportional and tabular. Screen shot is showing the proportional.


Does this happen with all numerals at the end of the string? What is the font?

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Indeed the last beta fixed this. I think I have to experiment more with this huge amount of features. Being long time used to Indesign it is an other approach to my workflow.

Just wondering if this is supposed to be, wenn you change the figure from proportional to tabular figures. See attached screenshot. The font I used was MiloOT Regular.

Thanks for your assistance.


Windows 10 | i5-8500 CPU | Intel UHD 630 Graphics | 32 GB RAM | Latest Retail and Beta versions of complete Affinity range installed

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