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Bleeds in Beta 133

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The Good:

PDF import handles bleeds much better! Well done!

Inner Bleed and outer bleed settings make sense for facing pages.

The Bad:

The first and last pages of facing pages documents still show bleed outlines on both inner and outer sides when inner is set to zero - it seems to just use the outer bleed value instead of the inner bleed value of zero.

This also cascades to exporting a PDF of single pages for printing. Say we have an outer bleed of 0.125"  a page width of 7", and an inner bleed of 0" - our pages should export to 7.125"....this happens for all pages of the document except the first and last which are assuming the outer bleed on both sides and result in a 7.25" page width on those two.

It seems that outer bleed works, but Inner bleed always assumes the Outer bleed setting....



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